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  • morktron Friend

    Hi, is it possible to move the user5 module to the right so that it is underneath the main body content? Otherwise it stretches the menu and squashes the content.

    mfcphil Friend

    To solve this you can either publish something in the RIGHT side or unpublish what you have in the left.
    If you publish something to the Right position the stretching will stop 😀 if you unpublish whats in the LEFT there will be nothing to stretch 😉

    morktron Friend

    Hi mfcphil, thanks for your reply it is much appeciated. Unforntunatly i still couldn’t get it to work. I tried all possible configurations to no avail.

    I assume I need to modify the template file or it’s css to change the position of user5?

    mfcphil Friend

    Hello Morktron

    Leave the main menu as it is and go to your SOME ADS module and publish it to the RIGHT then take a look at your page again 😉

    This will not move youre USER5 under your main body to the right as you can not do this. What this will do is stop the other modules from stretching

    morktron Friend

    Thanks mfcphil, I’m happy that you are helping 🙂

    I did as you said but it’s not what I’m after, here is an image to explain. The top one is the result of doing as you suggested, the bottom one is the holy grail

    mfcphil Friend

    No I don’t think you will be able to do that…I may be wrong and someone with more knowledge than me may tell you differently, but as I am aware you can not do that. :confused:

    morktron Friend

    Thanks mfcphil, I really appreciate your effort to help me.

    Yes, I have decided not to use the user5 position at all unless I can work out how to do it. I suppose I could always pay someone at joomlancers.com but my client is skint

    anyway Merry Christmas and thanks again 🙂

    mfcphil Friend

    Why not move your video into the user5 option like I have here

    Menalto Friend

    Open up the ja_vars.php in the templates folder and find this:
    $ja_mootabs_options = "
    width: '414px',

    change the width to the width you need to have it.Find this image:
    . Make it the width you want.Same with this one:
    Also with this one:
    This last image is the the headlines on the tabs so its a bit try and fail before you get it to work.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Menalto 17 years ago.

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