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  • evgen2011 Friend

    I wonder if anyone else has experienced this or is it just me. In Ja Blazes template articles look differently in the backend and the frontend. I mean I put image under text and in the backend he article looks the way I want, but on the site image either appears above the text or does not appear at all. Seriously, I even tried to put demo image (image holder actually) under the text in the demo article and it won`t show up at all that way. When creating my own article: no matter how you place your text and images in the backend, on the frontend they appear in one particular way..if even do. Hope to find some kind of solution for this. It must have something to do with css, but if someone could just tell me what exactly needs to be modified. Or am I wrong? I like the template a lot, but have been having multiple issues with it and still can`t get it to run as I want. Another issue has to do with multilinguility. I haven`t been able to create multiple megamenus (for different languages). I mean for the rest this new 1.7 feature works fine, content appears in the language it`s supposed to, but only one and the same megamenu appears no matter what I do:( Thanks in advance for any information on my issues.

    evgen2011 Friend

    After digging into css. I think, I figured what was messing up my content. It was float atributes applied to article text and images and overriding all other styles.

    wilfn Friend

    I’m having a similar problem. Can you please clarify what the problem was and how you corrected it?

    evgen2011 Friend

    problem: image or module inside the article was positioned one particular way no matter how you position it in the backed.
    template`s css overrided any other styles.
    my solution is something like this:
    <div style=”any style !important;”>
    just add !important rule when positioning something inside your content

    trevi Friend

    hi wilfn, i am facing the same problem, did you manage to change template’s behaviour? I would like to position pictures anywhere in the article …

    wilfn Friend

    Trevi, did you try the approach suggested by evgen2011? Did it work?

    If not (and if you still want a solution), let me know and I will tell you what code I changed to fix this problem.

    trevi Friend

    <em>@wilfn 297048 wrote:</em><blockquote>Trevi, did you try the approach suggested by evgen2011? Did it work?

    If not (and if you still want a solution), let me know and I will tell you what code I changed to fix this problem.</blockquote>

    thanks wilfn, some further help would be good. Pls try to explain your solution … thanks

    silicondesigns Friend

    We’re having exactly the same problem wilfin so could you post the code to use that will allows us to fix. Thanks.

    sjuzocka Friend

    same problem here, please can you post how to edit the css code??

    sjuzocka Friend

    same problem here, please can you post how to edit the css code??

    sjuzocka Friend

    same problem here, please can you post how to edit the css code??

    sjuzocka Friend

    Please help me… I want to place image everywhere in the article, not at the top…

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @sjuzocka: Because in JA Blazes template has custom the view layout in the article if you want to show the image like as backend input, you can remove the view custom layout on JA Blazes template

    Find and rename templates/ja_blazes/html/com_content/article/default.php file to other name. Once done to clear cache from admin area after doing changes

    Let me know if it helps

    sjuzocka Friend

    thank you, it helped

    sjuzocka Friend

    thank you, it helped

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 16 total)

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