You can use this code if your host has not installed your locale or if you can’t figure it out! Just change the days and month names (I have them here in french) to whatever you need. You cous also add support for more languages in the if / else ladder if needed. I have also changed the order from month/day to day/month for french.
edit template-name/index.php
<div class=”ja-day”>
if ( $GLOBALS[‘mosConfig_lang’] == french ) {
$jour[“Monday”] = “Lundi”;
$jour[“Tuesday”] = “Mardi”;
$jour[“Wednesday”] = “Mercredi”;
$jour[“Thursday”] = “Jeudi”;
$jour[“Friday”] = “Vendredi”;
$jour[“Saturday”] = “Samedi”;
$jour[“Sunday”] = “Dimanche”;
$mois[“January”] = “Janvier”;
$mois[“Febrary”] = “Février”;
$mois[“March”] = “Mars”;
$mois[“April”] = “Avril”;
$mois[“May”] = “Mai”;
$mois[“June”] = “Juin”;
$mois[“July”] = “Juillet”;
$mois[“August”] = “Août”;
$mois[“September”] = “Septembre”;
$mois[“October”] = “Octobre”;
$mois[“November”] = “Novembre”;
$mois[“December”] = “Décembre”;
$month = Date(F);
$day = Date(l);
echo “<span>”.$jour[$day].”</span>”;
echo ” <div>”.date (‘d’).” “.$mois[$month].”</div>”;
} else {
echo “<span>”.date (‘l’).”</span>”;
echo ” <div>”.date (‘F’).” “.date (‘d’).date (‘S’).”</div>”;