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  • mlequim Friend


    I have created a website in JA Music, and my purpose is to give music lessons in french & english :-).

    My issue is that whatever I do, only the french menu is displayed (default site language); but I would like to have the menu displayed according to the language selected (french or english).

    What is strange is that I followed documentation to create the website multilanguage, so I have duplicate templates (one by language) and assigned the french menuitems to the french copy of the template, and in the french template I have assigned the french megamenu (= “menuprincipal”). I did the same kind of operations for english menu “mainmenu”, so it should work…

    does anybody had the same problem or know how to solve this ? I have tried a lot but now I have no clue :-(…

    many thanks in advance 🙂 !!!


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    You can check our this tips here and follow & apply step by step into your site.

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