test melih
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  • aliwari Friend

    I have JA Teline IV template 2.5.4 running on Joomla 3.2, I Installed Language Switcher for Arabic & English, I did all the necessary configuration and the language flag can show up there in front page and it can switch between the two languages and my problem is :
    The magazine menu can show in one language only (I did duplicate the magazine menu and assigned one menu for each language as i did duplicate the template and assigned one template for each language )
    when i change the Arabic-Template profile to use Arabic magazine menu it work fine but the English menu does show in front page when i switch to the english version , as I checked the english template profile it keep choosing the Arabic Magazine menu, if i change it to the english menu then the arabic template change itself in the profile to the english Magazine menu and does not show arabic menu in front page but the english menu will show!!
    It’s getting me confused and i don’t know what’s wrong???

    my second problem is : I need to put the language flags – language Switcher position to show in front page just next to the login, Interview, Rss,Twitter Icons in the same line next to mega menu , how to do that please ??

    Thanks in advance


    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Ali,

    For the language assignment, hope this thread can help: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/t3-template-allows-only-1-main-menu-in-multi-language-joomla-1-7-installation/#post-434880

    Regarding the language switcher, if you want to show next to above module, you need to assign langaugeswitcher module to mega position and change its order.


    aliwari Friend

    Hi Saguaros,
    Thanks for your reply, I’ve reviewed the above linked thread, but it did not help since JA Teline IV template can’t assign two mega menu at the same time.
    So please could you advice me in how to do it since I need to build multi lang site with different logo, so is there a way to do it with duplicate the template and assign mega menu to every lang.
    Regarding to the language switcher, I change the position to mega and change the order but still can’t show there! is some set I miss or ?


    Saguaros Moderator

    I’m working on this issue, pls give me more time and I will be back to you when having news 🙂

    aliwari Friend

    take your time , thanks in advance

    Saguaros Moderator

    So you now have a default menu, an Italian menu and an English menu.

    If you go to the template manager and click on your template.

    On the right hand section you have some tabs so click on Profiles. Then click on “add new” and call one english and one italian.

    Now click on one of them i.e. English and then scroll down to menu settings and where it says menu type you pick your menu i.e. main menu, hauptmenu or whatever you called the default menus in Joomla. Do the same for the other language profiles.

    Then on the left hand side of the page you see “Page Assignments”

    This is where you pick the pages and menu IDs for each language. So click in the left hand side empty box of pages and then select the menus you want. In the right hand box you click and pick the profile i.e. Italian. Click save of course.

    do the same for the other language. Click save at the top and……

    That’s it. Good to go!

    I think that Swissa explains this clearly. When I go to backend of your site > Template manager > Menus assignments, I see that all pages are assigned with default profile. In Profile tab, you should create a Profile for English > configure the menu so that it will display English menu. Then in Menu assignments, you select all English menu items and assign this new Profile for these pages.

    You can apply the same steps for Arabic.

    aliwari Friend

    Thank you , Thank you , Thank you …. it’s finally working perfect ..:-)
    but still the language switcher, I change the position to mega and change the order but still can’t show there! could you help me in this PLEASE!

    Saguaros Moderator


    There is a menu called topmega in Backend > Menus, you can create a new menu item like existing menu items and select language switcher module to display under this new menu item: http://prntscr.com/2s21p4

    Then clean JAT3 cache.

    aliwari Friend

    using topmega by creating new menu with language switcher module, it will show a menu and when the mouse over it will show list of the languages, but I need to do is to show language flag directly not as a menu.
    I tried to change the start level of the menu to (1) but it’ll apply to all the topmega items
    is there other way to assign the language switcher module to mega6 position next to topmega items

    Saguaros Moderator

    You can try to add languageswitcher module position into that topmega block by opening file: templatesja_teline_ivblockstopmega.php and add code snippet like below:

    <div id="ja-topnav" class="clearfix">
    <?php if (($topmenu)) $topmenu->genMenu (); ?>

    <?php if ($this->countModules('languageswitcherload')) : ?>
    <div class="languageswitcherload">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('languageswitcherload') ?>" style="raw" />
    <!-- //LANGUAGE SWITCHER -->
    <?php endif ?>

    <?php $this->genBlockEnd ($block) ?>

    aliwari Friend

    After I edited topmega.php file as mentioned above, and tried to publish the language switch module to the mega position was nothing to show up , and I tried to add language switcher module to topmega menu, but still it show as a menu and when i group it with hiding the title it will show but not fixed view :((

    Saguaros Moderator


    After edit topmega.php file, pls try to publish language switch module to languageswitcher module position

    aliwari Friend

    There is no languageswitcher position in the list to choose !

    Saguaros Moderator

    You can open the file: /templates/ja_teline_iv(your default template)/templateDetails.xml, you will see <positions> tag, then add position for language switcher there:


    See screenshort for reference: http://prntscr.com/2tt03f

    aliwari Friend

    I added the <position>languageswitcherload</position> in templateDetails.xml, and published the language switcher module in that position but nothing show in front page !
    I’m sorry if I bother you….but i don’t know what’s wrong ?

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