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  • myuption Friend

    Since 1.6.1 the multilanguage options were changed in Joomla, now, if you want to use the Language Switcher, you are forced to have a Main Menu for each language, before, you could still use the maimenu from default and add the other items.

    But this is not the main issue, creating another featured articles menu is quite an odyssey. First, you can’t create multiple ‘home’ menu and one must be set to ‘All’, which makes no sense. So you must create a new menu group for each language.

    I thought I had it fixed and started to translate modules and assign articles by language.

    But oh surprise… once you set languages to be used as Home, you realize a couple things, first, mainmenu is set as default by the template, and it seems you would have to duplicate the style to assign the second language.

    Second, even if you force a language menu to be default, the featured item never shows up. The frontpage remains blank, no matter if you copied each and every variable set in the default mainmenu.

    That’s why I’m wondering if it is simply impossible to work with multilingual sites and joomlart templates.

    Wouldn’t mind duplicating the template to set another language, but what about the content, why is it that the featured items are not shown?

    1. Untitled-2
    2. Untitled-1
    Sherlock Friend

    Hi myuption!
    Thanks you very much to contact us about this problem, can you send me admin account and url via pm ? i want to have a close look on this issue to detect the problem.

    myuption Friend

    Unfortunately, it is a localhost test site using the quickstart installation. Found out that the featured content is not shown because the Category this one was assigned on was disabled. Once enabled, it works.

    Now, in terms of using the language switcher, here is a tutorial, I’m trying to follow, another ‘work around’ might be use the mainmenu as in minisite, with an image, then assign menu items per language, at least i’m testing that right now.

    Referred from.

    bjeykua Friend

    Hello Myuption,

    I have also same problem with JA Telin IV. I could not find a way to prevent template default style from using “allmenu”. From technical stuff I got this advice:

    “You should disable menu of template, then use other menu modules to that position.
    Please go to templatesja_teline_ivblocks, open topmega.php file
    Change this code section:
    <div id=”ja-topnav” class=”clearfix”>
    <?php if (($topmenu)) $topmenu->genMenu (); ?>

    <div id=”ja-topnav” class=”clearfix”>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”your position” />
    Then you can create some menu modules and assign them to this position following your language.”

    It makes sense but it did not work for me. Try it, if it works I would be glad if you share how did you solve it.

    Another possible solution for teline IV ( I do not do you have this option in teline) is to assign pages certain styles in which you can choose menus. You cn assign pages in template profile. (In right column of settings). But this solution seems some sketchy because you are not using any menu module and it may create some other problems in the site.

    If I found a solution I’ll share it, pls do the same…


    myuption Friend

    Thanks bjeykua, there were many changes in J1.6 and they are still doing some adjustments.

    markusthiel Friend

    So there is no “fix” for this? 🙂

    bjeykua Friend

    There is actually…

    Forget about menu modules and all online multilangual tutorials for joomla 1.6 Assign your menu items to template styles in which you choose appropriate language menu. In attached pics you can see my template screen shot. It will be helpfull I hope…

    1. Untitled-1
    markusthiel Friend

    That would have worked.. if the site didn´t have like 2500 pages in each language.. and is constatly changing 🙁

    But thx!.. good to know for smaller sites!

    bjeykua Friend

    I also supposed that I will need to assign all articles but it is not 🙂
    Since you assign all categories to some menu items in menu management, articles shows up the menu assigned to its own category. Try it you will see it works…

    markusthiel Friend

    The bugfix for duplicate templates will be released next week so I´ll wait for that version of the plugin 🙂

    bjeykua Friend

    Nobody told me about bugfix, though I have asked many time. Diasppointing…
    thanks for information..

    myuption Friend

    <em>@markusthiel 250224 wrote:</em><blockquote>The bugfix for duplicate templates will be released next week so I´ll wait for that version of the plugin :)</blockquote>
    An how will that help us all? :p


    imurillo Friend

    Does could be a solution soon?

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi all,
    i reported that bug to developer team at following link :
    developer team will help us handle this problem.

    markusthiel Friend

    Any news on the release for this week?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)

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