test melih
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  • allen0139 Friend

    I am building a multilingual site (Chinese/English),
    if I change the default-font-family in variables.less, it will mess up the font-family for another language’s fonts.
    is there anything I can add in high level / high hierarchy / class
    that allows me to configure the default-font-family of both languages. maybe “custom.css”?

    //in short
    I basically want two default-font-family, one for each language,
    in a way that on a single page, Chinese words will be automatically set to Chinese default-font-family, and English words will be automatically set to English default font-family.

    Does anyone know how to do this?
    will really appreciate it!

    swissa Friend

    If you have set up the multi-lingual properly you probably have a separate template for each language ( to assign the menu ).

    So go to each template and clone the theme that you use, call one Chinese and the other English. Then using ‘Theme Magic’ you can assign fonts to each. Save and make sure Chinese uses the Chinese theme, english the english theme and there you have the easiest way.

    Also it will save the css files into /local/ so that they are not overwritten.

    Hope that helps

    allen0139 Friend

    Thanks for replying, but i don’t think this works to assign font-family automatically according to the word/letter ‘s language.
    on a single page, Chinese words will be automatically set to Chinese default-font-family, and English words will be automatically set to English default font-family.
    (I have many English words next to Chinese words on a single page.)

    swissa Friend

    Understand what you mean now. This uses the site language to set the fonts not multiple fonts on the same page according to language.

    Sorry, I can’t help. :-[

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I would need to take a closer look at your site. It would be great if you can include url of your site, an illustrated screenshot of what you are trying to achieve. I will help you to check it further

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