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  • bmj8409 Friend

    Can anyone tell me what would be the source of the problem with multiple arrows displaying in the pathway?


    ErikThorsen Friend

    Not easy to say without a live site to preview the problem with. At least I cannot help without seeing the site. Sorry about that. Give us a URL and I will look at it.

    ShannonN Friend

    bmj8409;12166Can anyone tell me what would be the source of the problem with multiple arrows displaying in the pathway?


    Hi There
    could be any number of reasons, but as Erik points out its pointless to waste time speculating without a live url.

    as the pathway is a breadcrumb trail, each successive crumb or folder/file is usually separated by an icon such as an arrow, maybe you have a lot of blank pages without titles we’ll look when the url comes along
    Cheers ShannonN

    bmj8409 Friend

    <em>@bmj8409 12166 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can anyone tell me what would be the source of the problem with multiple arrows displaying in the pathway?

    Sorry about not including the live site info. Our live site is at family.goodhopebc.net.


    ErikThorsen Friend

    Thanks for the URL. Which browser are you using?

    In FF it doesn’t show the breadcrumb ( it is hidden behind the rotating images )

    In IE 6.0 it shows with only 1 arrow for each level, which should be correct?

    Can you provide a link where this error occurs? If you have it?


    swemmel Friend

    <em>@ErikThorsen 12512 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks for the URL. Which browser are you using?

    In FF it doesn’t show the breadcrumb ( it is hidden behind the rotating images )

    In IE 6.0 it shows with only 1 arrow for each level, which should be correct?

    Can you provide a link where this error occurs? If you have it?


    In IE7 it is also hidden behind the rotating images.



    ShannonN Friend

    bmj8409;12509Sorry about not including the live site info. Our live site is at family.goodhopebc.net.


    All I get is an internal server error has occurred :((

    ErikThorsen Friend

    Shanny! That is because you are on the wrong side of the world!! Site loads good here in Norway at least! So perhaps just try again? 😀

    ShannonN Friend

    ErikThorsen;12582Shanny! That is because you are on the wrong side of the world!! Site loads good here in Norway at least! So perhaps just try again? 😀

    Took 12 hours before it was accessable maybe international link was down?

    The site links work ok for me in FF, whats happening is the little arrow icon on the root menu is there to indicate that that link has sub menus nothing else its a feature not a bug

    It’s interesting to see the Baptist church is moving towards charismatic, as a Pentecostal and a Bible College student it’s good to see some church sites


    jmelcher Friend

    I’m having the same problem. I took a look at the OP’s site and don’t see where he has his original problem any more so maybe it’s been fixed, but there is no reference here as to what the fix is.

    I’d appreciate someone looking at my site and telling me how to get rid of the extra arrows in the breadcrumb/pathway area when viewing a page selected from any one of the menu items.



    bmj8409 Friend

    Hey there, I am the OP and we have since moved to a different template, namely JA Quillalia. However, I remember having to work through the pathway problem. I first found a TID on the forum that gave instructions how to remove it, since it didn’t look right. That worked. However, I wanted to try to keep the pathway for the user so I found another message that mentioned that the CSS for the pathway makes the text between the arrows the same color as the background. Therefore, you can’t see the text, just the arrows. If I remember correctly, you have to change the CSS for the text after home. I will try to track down the info, but I don’t know if I still have it.

    Remove this code to take out the pathway.

    Open the index.php file and remove this code section:

    <div id=”ja-pathway”>
    <strong>You are here:</strong> <?php mosPathway(); ?>

    By the way, our current site is http://www.goodhopebc.net if you want to take a look at our somewhat finished project.

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