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  • gverheij Friend


    On http://www.jcicongres.nl each congres gets its own part of the website. And every part, for every congres (2 per year) is styled with another JA T3 template. For the congres next year I use JA-Zite and that works pretty well. My base-template is JA_travel. My Joomla-version is 2.5.6

    Check here:
    JA_Travel: http://www.jcicongres.nl/ec12home
    JA_Nex: http://www.jcicongres.nl/wc12home
    JA_Zite: http://www.jcicongres.nl/ec13home

    This works pretty well, but I post this thread because I have some issues.

    What did I do to configure this:
    I copied the template-directory of JA_Zite into the themes directory of the default-template, wich is JA_Travel in my case. Than I changed the info.xml’s in the theme-directories, modifed layout’s and profile in the template-manager to what I wanted and connected the right menu-items to the right profiles.

    This is my directory structure:

    And this is how I connect the right profile to the right menu’s:

    As you can see in the picture of the directory-structure, the CSS-directory of the default template is almost empty. I removed template.css from there.

    What are the issues I experience?
    1. Both the parts jciongres.nl/wc12home (JA_nex) and jcicongres.nl/ec13home (JA_zite) do not display correctly in IE9 (please check). Where do I have to put the CSS-files with the overrides for IE9 ? Are the IE-settings different for each template ? Or can this be part of the default-theme for all themes? I use JA T3 framework 2.5.3
    2. In JA_zite (jcicongres.nl/ec13home) is use the beautifull JA_Slideshowlite module as configured in the demo of JA_zite. This does not display correctly in IE9 either: the pictures do not move. So, again, where do I have to copy the files to get this right?

    In general, do I use JA T3 framework as I should? I like very much how my sub-sites look with the different JA-T3 templates. Please give me tips or advise if you see I can configure this smarter and use the JAT3-Framework more efficient..

    Thanks a lot for your support !

    Gerard Verheij

    1. template-dir
    2. template-profile
    gverheij Friend

    One part of this problem I solved by comparing all css-stylesheets which were loaded. On one test-site with a quickstart of JA_Zite I saw there was no typo.css in the directory /plugins/system/jat3/jat3/base-themes/default/css,

    This typo.css was in that directory of the site which does not work nicely in IE-9. After removing typo.css from the plugin’s css-directory I had a better situation, although not perfect:
    The slideshow does look good now in IE-9
    However, the pictures sl1-first.png and sl1-second.png do not move into the background-picture as they do in Firefox, Chrome etc

    Please let me know the answers to my other questions.. Thanks, Gerard

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    I have checked three site, all is fine but when i run on IE, css file does not load. Please compress css on JA Template.

    <blockquote>Admin area->Extensions->Template Manager-> Edit JA Your Template-> Global tabs-> Compress CSS set Yes</blockquote>

    gverheij Friend

    Indeed, switching to “Join & Minify” for setting Optimise CSS works. Now the logo is displayed correctly in IE-9

    But can you explain Why this works? It should work in development-modus with un-minified CSS ass well though?

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The error on your site belongs to the loading limitation of css on IE, more details on this, you can read at link

    gverheij Friend

    Thanks, that explains it, now I also understand some other issues with IE, Thanks a lot!


    jjthemachine Friend

    The images on my site do not animate on the slideshow in IE. http://www.islandyogurtshoppe.com

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Because JA Zite template is using css3 and IE browser support is limited, read more information on both link link1 and link2

    jjthemachine Friend

    Hmm I thought it would work in IE9, but I guess not. It does work in 10.

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