Dear buster84!
To add multiple Logos for each section page please use the following hack code:
– Open pluginssystemjat3coretemplate.php, add this code:
[PHP] $view = JRequest::getCmd (‘view’);
$id = JRequest::getCmd (‘id’,0);
$cls .= ‘ ‘.$view.”_”.$id;
} [/PHP]
to between line 914 and 915 (before “return $cls;” in function getBodyClass ()).
– Now for each section page, you’ll have this class: “section_id”, in this case id is current section id (example: section_3, section_7).
– Please open: plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/css/template.css then add this code:
.section_id h1.logo a {
background: url("../images/logo_id.png") no-repeat scroll left center transparent;
Please add each logo_id.png to templatesja_portfolioimages for each section.
Hope this helps and happy new year!