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  • Saguaros Moderator


    Kindly share the credentials of your site, I will check what’s wrong here.


    mpiprojects Friend

    Thanks for your reply. I just added the login info.

    Saguaros Moderator


    In the Extensions > Templates > Homepage style > Navigation tab > you select to show the Main menu – menu but this menu doesn’t have any item and of course nothing shows on frontend, pls try to assign another menu for this template style.


    mpiprojects Friend


    I don’t understand. Do you mean to say, that the loading of my language files is related to the menu items? When I show a menu on the homepage, my language will be loaded? The empty [main menu -] is by design 🙂

    Is the fact that my language is not loaded related to your template or is it purely Joomla core related?

    • This reply was modified 7 years ago by  mpiprojects.
    Saguaros Moderator


    I didn’t mean any language file, you can go to Admin panel > Extensions > Templates > Homepage > Navigation tab >> you’re selecting to show the ‘Main menu—-‘: http://prntscr.com/hve6pz

    But in Backend > Menus > Main menu— (the menu you chose)> this menu doesn’t have any menu item so you don’t see anything on frontend: http://prntscr.com/hve711

    I hope this makes senses.

    mpiprojects Friend

    I think we have some kind of misunderstanding here?
    I wasn’t asking about the menus. Why are you so worried about the empty menu?
    I want to keep it empty. I don’t want any header menu items on the homepage! But since I can’t disable the navigation menu in the header position. I just linked it to an empty menu.

    But since you are on that subject… My megamenu is not working anywhere. If I want to configure the megamenu, there are no items showing. All menus are empty according to the megamenu configuration toolbox.
    What could be the problem here?

    Back on topic; the initial issue I opened this thread for:
    Your template is only in English. Look at the text in searchbox and on readmore buttons for example.
    This should be translated into Dutch after I installed and set my language in the language manager.
    However, on your template it doesn’t seem to work. Everything is still in English.
    Is this problem related to your template? If so, can you supply me with a solution please?

    Many thanks in advance! Cheers!

    mpiprojects Friend

    Back on topic; the initial issue I opened this thread for: Your template is only in English. Look at the text in searchbox and on readmore buttons for example. This should be translated into Dutch after I installed and set my language in the language manager. However, on your template it doesn’t seem to work. Everything is still in English. Is this problem related to your template? If so, can you supply me with a solution please?

    language problem solved. Probably because of website offline state. In my user settings > basic settings > Frontend Language, was not set to default. but was forcedon English.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Glad to hear that you figured it out.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 7 years ago.

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