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  • mj1256 Friend

    :D:D:Dwhat are the four B’s.

    it’s what i refer to Bigger, Brighter, Better, Bolder.

    many times we spend an exorbitant amount of time and energy on the wrong things.

    hours and hours of struggle on making a line thicker, a font bolder, a color brighter or just making something esthetically more pleasing to our own personal palette of tastes.

    i’ve been in the internet biz twelve years, and I have learned that in the end, ALL THIS DOES IS EAT UP YOUR TIME and MONEY!!!!.

    it does not make your site easier to use, navigate, get more sales, convert a sales lead, search engine happy, or increase traffic.

    IT JUST EATS UP YOU TIME with no appreciable ROI

    put that time into content, descriptions, tagging, titles, etc.

    look at it like this
    You site visitors do not enter your site and say to themselves;
    that should be blue
    that should be thicker
    that font is too big
    that line is too thick

    no no no… they enter your site, and within ten seconds, they need to find out what you do, how to buy it, contact it , or kill it and leave for another site.
    Your site visitors initially have the attention span of a gnat, yeah, a little black bug. (buzz, buzz)
    In that 10 seconds they do not analyze your template.

    think of this, when you watch a TV show, and by chance you don’t go to the bathroom or get food during a commercial, do you look at the commercials and think Bigger, Brighter, Better, Bolder. NO NO, I say, you just watch to see what the ad is about without a thought to the graphics etc.

    you see….its all about the message and how fast you can get that message across.

    so…next time you absolutely have to get rid of a line, change the css, or make your site Bigger, Brighter, Better, Bolder., think about this

    😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    dlocc Friend

    I agree, I’ve often caught myself trying to fumble around with some stupid CSS quirk or trying to make my site look more pleasing. Dont get me wrong, your site needs to please its viewers, but beyond that they are there looking for something. If they don’t find it… boom, gone! Avg time on site less than a few seconds for most.

    scotty Friend

    An excellent post Mj and really good advice! Hadn’t seen it until today and have yet to look at the others in your sig.

    mj1256 Friend

    i also get caught in the same trap

    sfpkent Friend


    Thanks mj1256! All web designers should listen to this advice. 🙂

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