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  • rgasparello Friend

    A very disturbing thing happened. I published my site and it looked fine. I returned to edit and only one content block was there. I figured it was a cacheing issue so I reset the cached and now the site is gone. I attempted to revert to earlier version but same problem. All I have left are my screen shots. I am now rebuilding from scratch..

    Can you help?

    1. Screen-Shot-2017-09-20-at-11.24.11-AM
    2. Screen-Shot-2017-09-20-at-11.24.20-AM
    3. Screen-Shot-2017-09-20-at-11.24.32-AM
    4. Screen-Shot-2017-09-20-at-11.24.40-AM
    5. Screen-Shot-2017-09-20-at-11.25.03-AM
    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see that the homepage of your site looks fine now, did you get it solved?

    rgasparello Friend

    I rebuilt it from scratch. I had saved some screenshots so it was no big deal. Fortunately, with JA Builder screens can be built rapidly. I did some content but I should’ve been backing the site up anyway.

    I do think something is happening between the publish-edit cycle. I’ll keep my eyes on it to see what might be triggering it.

    gringo211985 Friend

    Yup, this is a known bug since day 1 of builder going live.

    The problem is that when you click publish it makes calls to JA Servers where the problem lies.

    The problem is known by all users and admins, but they are not willing to stop calling JA Servers for some absurd, insane reason.

    Having the content and builder install locally onto our own servers will solve this issue and also solve the loading time issue too.

    I have just had one more of my home-pages magically disappear when I went to edit and this has seriously damaged my sites using builder. I am really fed up of the admins saying "we don’t get this problem" well no SH** you are on JA servers locally derp, of course your loading times will be quick and this problem will likely not happen. But the rest of us are all over the globe and this POS takes a minimum of 10 seconds to load between edits and sometimes it never loads.

    Simple solution and loads of other members agree, but admins will keep fobbing us off.

    Am really sick of it, I lost 4 customers due to JA Builder already.

    @saguaros just make the builder local like we want

    sjww1410 Friend

    Why I designed the builder page can not use the top publish?
    publish has been unsuccessful.
    Because of my database in localhost native reason?
    Thank you answer!

    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi @sjww1410

    The reason the publish button does not work is because of Joomlart servers, not yours!!!

    There is a call made to Joomlart servers when you hit "publish" button.

    Again, to fix this is stop calling JA servers and have everything install locally on our servers.

    If you go and check that page again you will now notice all your content is gone. This is a known bug and needs resolving ASAP.

    Also all JA Builder users should have their subscription extended free of charge because the plugin doesn’t work while in this state.

    JA Builder has the potential to be the best plugin ever made, but it needs to be locally installed to do this.

    The only calls to JA servers should be when we want to update blocks or the plugin itself. This saves users from slow loading, missing content, broken publish button, and it also saves Joomlart a load of money from bandwidth costs. Why this hasn’t already happened is beyond me at this point.

    Hope this helps


    sjww1410 Friend

    I installed the following screen, this is not the local installation?
    Because we can not publish relationship
    I have not seen the finished product

    1. 1061017_02
    gringo211985 Friend

    Hi there,

    That’s not what I mean.

    When you edit a JA Builder page, the "publish" button makes a call to Joomlart servers, this is where the errors come from like forever loading, slow loading, missing content.

    If we remove the call to Joomlart servers it stops the forever loading, slow loading, and missing content.

    Hope this helps


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