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  • mauriziotroilo Friend

    i’ve became a member today ’cause i saw Ja Avian II on you showcase and i really liked it and wanted to customize it a little bit and use it in my musical webzine.

    So, i downloaded it and made some changes to the index.php and template.css; i splitted the right column (right + left) in two, creating a left and a right column, deleted the horizontal menu and did some fine tuning.
    I really really (really really) love the template as it’s trasformed right now!
    It’s surely the template i was searching for my webzine….i looked at a hundreds templates but didn’t find anything i liked before.

    By the way, let’s go to the point: my site doesn’t work with Internet Explorer, versions 5.5, 6, 7 and 8 beta.

    I’m using Joomla 1.5.6.

    This is my website: http://s46870.gridserver.com/ (it’s a temporary domain….i’ll transfer it on http://www.punk4free.org , the domain i registered on my profile, as soon as it will be ready)

    That it’s a list of screenshots i made with BrowserShots…but they don’t show the error so often, ’cause BrowserShots only take a look at home page: http://browsershots.org/http://s46870.gridserver.com/

    I get and error like this:
    “Internet explorer cannot open the internet site.
    Operation aborted.”
    and IE goes to a blank error page….

    I saw there are a lot of other users that have the same problem, but there’s no clear solution in the topics i found: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/internet-explorer-cannot-open-the-internet-site/

    I tried my website with the base “Beez” template and IE and it works well. So, i think it’s a problem of your template or maybe of your template + some of the modules i’m using….

    The big problem is that IE doesn’t behave always in the same way.
    Sometimes it gets error as soon as you start viewing the home page, some other times it lets you download the whole home page, navigate some pages and menus but when you come back to home it gets the error and the **** blank page.
    Sometime, simply, it works well with no errors….but that doesn’t happen often….

    Could you fix this problem for me?
    It’s the whole day i’m making a lot of test but i can’t fix it. My friends and I don’t know what else to try.

    I tried the base version of Ja Avian II (as i downloaded it…without my customization) but the problem’s still here, so it’s not my fault.

    Using “Javascript Debugger”, an extension for firefox, i found out that the problem it’s about a “document.getElementById” call.
    Internet Explorer tells something about it too in the error ti gets…
    I tried to delete che ja.cssmenu.js, ja.moomenu.js and to change (or delete) this call inside them:
    sfHover = function() {
    var sfEls = document.getElementById(“ja-cssmenu”).getElementsByTagName(“li”);
    but it has been useless…

    I thinked it could be a problem caused by some of the modules i’ve got in my 2 columns, so i tried to disable all the modules and enable them one by one, but i couldn’t understand if there’s one that create the problem.

    I tried to disable all the right column and the site seemed to work (i’m not totally sure, due to the weird behaviour of IE). So it doesn’t seem a clue of some left modules.
    In the left columns, as you may see, i’ve got these modules:
    – Main menu (in your legacy mode)
    – Remository multi (now i’ve disabled it, but doesn’t seems to fix the problem…and this is a module i really need…)
    – Eventlist
    – JoomlaWorks “Simple RSS Feed Reader” Module v1.4 [for Joomla! 1.5.x]
    – Special HTML for Joomla 1.5 Native
    – Pool (the standard joomla module)
    – Phoca Google Adsense (disabled)

    In the right column there are these modules:
    – Signal login
    – Who’s online (the standard joomla module)
    – Most Read Of Recent
    – Camp26 Random Content
    – Remository multi (actually it’s disabled, as the other one on the left column…they show different files…) (i thinked could be one of the problematic modules)
    – Phoca Google Adsense (actually it’s disabled…i’ve got one of these on the left column too…I really need this or something like this to show google ads…on my first tests, it seemed that that was the module that caused the problem so i disabled it and never reactivated…but now they’re disabled and the problem’s still here).
    – Zonline Cloud (i thinked could be one of the problematic modules)
    – Special HTML for Joomla 1.5 Native

    On User3 there’s the standard “Search” module…on footer there’s the Google Analytics Tracking Module….

    So, right now, i’ve disabled the 2 “Remository Multi”, that i really need for my site and the 2 Phoca Google Adsense (that really need too)…
    Disabling these 2 modules seems that the error it’s “getting better”…i mean…with all the modules enabled, it seemed to me that Internet Explorer alway got the error….not like now, that sometimes it quite works….before, everytime i entered the site with IE (i use the 7 for my tests) i got the error and the blank page. Every time.
    But i’m not so sure about it….because IE really change it’s behaviour every **** time.

    Anyway, in my tests everything seemed to work fine with all the modules enabled on the left column and those modules enabled on the right one:
    – Signal login
    – Who’s online (the standard joomla module)
    – Most Read Of Recent
    – Camp26 Random Content
    But, as i’m saying, i’m not really sure about it, as i’ve seen how IE changes behaviour.

    I tried to delete my comments modules too…joomlacomment.3.20…but it didn’t change anything.

    I have to say that i’ve not installed all the modules and components you give me with the template, because i don’t need it. I know that Ja Avian II it’s designed for being a showcase or an image galley, but it really fits well my needs.
    I only installed mod_janewslight because not installing it caused a css error in the css validator…

    Actually, i’ve asked some friends of mine to try to navigate the site and some of them said it worked well…some others not…

    I can’t open my site in these conditions.
    I can’t risk to lose 50% of my visitors and users because they’re to lazy to switch to Firefox or Opera.

    I’m a Linux user, and on my test using Firefox 3 and Opera 9 everything worked great. They only show some warning on error console, but they never get a massive error and close the site.
    It’s something I’ve never seen before…

    1) Could you take a look at my site and tell me how to fix this really big problem? (I’m leaving it “opened” just for you)
    2) Could you tell me which one it’s the module that causes this error? (If there’s one)
    3) Could it be caused by the fact that i’ve not installed all the modules and components you give with the template?

    As i’ve already said, i registered to JoomlArt only to use JA Avian II in my webzine.
    If it doesn’t works, i’ve trashed 33 euros….

    It’s the whole day i’m making tests over tests and i’m a little bit disappointed right now….

    I was planning to open my new website in the next 3/5/7 days and now i’ve to change my plans…

    I completely trust you and i really hope we can fix this problem together, as soon as possibile!

    Thank you for four time.

    Best Regards,

    P.S. I’m sorry for my poor english 🙂

    mj1256 Friend

    your english is fine, I wish every post was as detailed.

    lets face it, brower and backwards browser compatibilty has and always will be an issue.

    beex worked becuase it is a basic template and doesn’t need things like mootools and such to run

    the more complicated templates such as JA provides are more complicated and many of the scripts that are needed for these fancy functions, such as sliding menus and such do not work in all browsers.

    so, right from the onstart, forget about IE5.5, its not going to happen
    IE6 will do better, but it will still have a few issues, IE7 everything should work and IE8 isn’t in its final release and until it is there is not much sense in address it.

    so you have a choice, do you want the modern WOW Factor functions? if so, you sacrifice older browsers compatibilty. Its not the templates, its the types of scripts that are needed for modern design that the older browsers cannot render. They didn’t exist when the browsers were deeloped. Even the way they handle CSS is an issue.

    Some of the issues are not even related to the template, but inherent to joomla or a particular component/module itself.

    Unless you stick to building sites in raw html4 compliant code, you will not have compatibilty of the nicer functions.

    now, I know this does not fix your site, and I’m sure a few items could be fixed, but my point is that as important that browser compatibility is, you may have to give up some modern features for it.

    also, as the original template worked well, but not perfectly in all browsers, you drastically altered the code and design of the template, so now you want them to debug your work, not theirs.

    i’m not defending JA, just providing a different perspective.

    I hope they can help you, but once you make the drastic changes you made, is it really their responsibility?

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    Thank you for being so fast!
    I didn’t think somebody would answered in so little time 🙂

    beex worked becuase it is a basic template and doesn’t need things like mootools and such to run
    the more complicated templates such as JA provides are more complicated and many of the scripts that are needed for these fancy functions, such as sliding menus and such do not work in all browsers.
    Yep…i imagined it 🙂
    I only tried Beez to understand if it was an html problem, related to my contents, an hosting problem or a template problem…
    I saw JA templates are more complicated….in fact they’re really good lookin 🙂

    so you have a choice, do you want the modern WOW Factor functions? if so, you sacrifice older browsers compatibilty. Its not the templates, its the types of scripts that are needed for modern design that the older browsers cannot render. They didn’t exist when the browsers were deeloped. Even the way they handle CSS is an issue.

    You’re right and i see the problem in your same way.
    I have done a website that isn’t suitable for 56k or slow connection and i don’t mind if it doesn’t work on with 800×600 (or less) resolution…
    But i think that my site should work, at least, with IE 7, that’s the most used web browser in the world (and i’m sorry about it), and maybe with IE 6.
    There’s a lot of people that still uses these 2 crappy browsers: http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp
    I would be happy if it could work fine at least with IE 7….

    Some of the issues are not even related to the template, but inherent to joomla or a particular component/module itself.

    Could you (or better the JA staff) help me finding out what component or module are causing the problem?
    I’m quite a newbie in that stuff and i really don’t know what else to try…which tests i could do…ir which tools i could use to analyze the problem…
    Is it possible to be helped by the staff of JoomlArt? 🙂

    Maybe i could enable all the modules i’d want to use (so, re-enable remository mods and google ads), and the JA staff could take a look at them…

    also, as the original template worked well, but not perfectly in all browsers, you drastically altered the code and design of the template, so now you want them to debug your work, not theirs.

    Wait, as i wrote in my first post, i have the same problems with the original version of Ja Avian II and with the one modified by me.
    I haven’t done so big changes.
    I’ve just splitted up the 2 columns and deleted the horizontal menu, that should be the more fancy and the one that uses more graphical effects…

    I can post my customized index.php if it can help..

    Thank you for you answer.
    I hope someone of you could keep helping me 🙂

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    I fixed it by myself!
    I’m so proud of myself and so thankful to the friend of mine that helped me 🙂

    Basicly, i deleted almost every javascript i founded in index.php and index2.php

    I specify that i don’t use the fancy horizontal menu…i think that the problems with IE are related to that menu…in fact, now that i’ve done my changes, the website look the same that looked before, because i’ve never used the horizontal menu.
    I commented it as soon as i started customizing the template.
    I don’t use the template tools too…i mean….color/style changer and font dimension changer that went on top left. I disabled them setting “usertool=0” in params.ini and i’m quite sure i’ve deleted their part of code in index.php too…

    So, no horizontal menu and no template tools.

    Now let’s go to the point.


    This is what i deleted from index.php:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/scripts/ja.script.js"></script>

    <?php $tmpTools->genMenuHead(); ?>

    <?php //Include Slimbox ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/js/slimbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="modules/mod_janewslight/ja_newslight/ja-newslight.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    <div id="ja-mainnav">

    //Gen menu for CSS, MOO
    //Gen first level menu for Split, Dropline
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);

    <?php if ($this->countModules('ja-qj')) { ?>
    <div id="ja-qj">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="ja-qj" style="raw" />
    <?php } ?>



    This is what i deleted from index2.php:

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/mootools.v1.1.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/scripts/ja.script.js"></script>

    <?php //Include Slimbox ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/slimbox/js/slimbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $ja_template_path;?>/slimbox/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    <?php genMenuHead(); ?>


    That’s all.
    I made a lot of tests and without this code my template works fine on IE6 and IE7, with all the modules i want enabled.

    I’m not sure that all this code must be deleted to make the template work, but i’m sure that without it everything works. So, i’ll keep it as it is right now.

    My template still looks as it was before….i mean, i can’t see any differences….the good looking legacy menu it’s still there too (i’ve kept the default param “ja_menu=2”).

    I hope this could be usefull for all the JA users that have the same problem.
    You just have to do not use the horizontal menu and (maybe) the website color and font tools. I think it’s a good compromise 🙂

    I someone wants my complete index.php and index2.php can send me an email: maurizio.troilo@gmail.com


    By the way, at the end of this history, the Internet Explorer error wasn’t caused by a changed i made, but was already bugged as i downloaded it 🙂

    mj1256 Friend

    this was not a bug, if it was, the thousands of people who use this template before you, including me, would have reported it.

    you should not have removed any of that code, it was solid as it was and now, as you build out your site and start adding things, it will start breaking.

    i’m glad you got it to do what you wanted for the moment :), but I predict issues down the road.

    my advice to others, do not use his edited files. :((

    mauriziotroilo Friend


    Listen to me: i downloaded the template, i’ve installed it on Joomla 1.5.6, with NO MODIFICATIONS, i disabled ALL THE MODULES i had enabled, so i had ONLY the default logo, the horizontal menu and 10 plain html text (+ 1 image) news in 1 column.
    On the bottom there was the navigation bar, with che pages of contents.
    Nothing else.
    No strange plugins, too…just LazyBackup…

    I navigated it with IE 7 and it got the error i already explained.
    Here’s the screenshot of the error:

    Googling a little bit, when i was trying to fix the problem, i found another italian joomla user having the same problem, and he didn’t know how to fix it too (and nobody helped him):

    And, i mean, i should not be the only one that see this error on the “FAQ + Fixes for common problems” topic: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/faqs-fixes-for-common-problem/
    I’ve already linked it: http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/internet-explorer-cannot-open-the-internet-site/

    On that topic a moderator said that it’s just needed to disable some “bugged modules” to make the template works….but as i said before, i spent an afternoon disabling all the modules and enabling one by one, not being able to get rid of the error.
    Sometimes there was the error, sometimes not…with the same modules on…

    Here’s another screenshot of my site with no modules (that’s my customized version of the template but i swear i tried with the original before):

    By the way, i haven’t changed the JoomlArt template so much.
    I just deleted the horizontal menu, the template tools, and deleted all the code that load the relative JavaScript:


    <?php genMenuHead(); ?>

    that i think loads this code from ja_templatetools.php:

    function genMenuHead(){
    $html = "";
    if ($this->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU)== '1') {
    $html = '<link href="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_splitmenu/ja-splitmenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />';
    }else if ($this->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU)== '2') {
    $html = '<link href="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja-sosdmenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'. $this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja.cssmenu.js"></script>';
    } else if ($this->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU) == 3) {
    $html = '<link href="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_scriptdlmenu/ja-scriptdlmenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_scriptdlmenu/ja-scriptdlmenu.js"></script>';
    } else if ($this->getParam(JA_TOOL_MENU) == 4) {
    $html = '<link href="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja-sosdmenu.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="'.$this->templateurl().'/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja.moomenu.js"></script>';

    that, as you may see, loads some others javascript scripts….

    All i know is that i’m keep testing my website with firefox and IE7 and now it simply works.
    The legacy menu, set to ja_menu = 2, that i think should load “/ja_menus/ja_cssmenu/ja.cssmenu.js” according to the code above, keeps working with no problem.

    Everything else works great, with all the modules i listed in the first topic enabled.

    So, i don’t wanna fight and excuse me if i seem a litle bit nervous, but, please, don’t threat me like an idiot…..
    I’ve spent 33 euros for a template that never worked 1 time, for me. Without or with modifications.

    Maybe it could be “solid” if you keep the template as it is, install all the modules and components and use it ONLY for showing images with rsgallery. It’s the only explanation i can think….a noone gave me a better one.
    I used it as it was on a news site and it never worked.

    I wasted a couple of days trying to make it work as a news portal…now, please, don’t keep telling me it was my fault.

    Now it works fine and that’s all i now. And i don’t think i’ve messed it up so much that i’m gonna have “issues down the road”…i just deleted a useless fancy menu.

    I don’t wanna seem nervous and i don’t wanna fight, but it has been a really hard work to manage making JA Avian II work for me, so it seems a little bit unrespectful to me telling that i just crushed down a good template.
    At least it works, NOW.

    Menalto Friend

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/scripts/ja.script.js"></script>
    The above code is for the template script, and is not needed, the functions you loose by removing it is:
    -Equal height of modules/mainbody and left/right side, font resizer and so on, no harm to remove it if you not need the functions.

    <?php $tmpTools->genMenuHead(); ?>
    The above code is for menu

    <?php //Include Slimbox ?>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/js/slimbox.js"></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $tmpTools->templateurl();?>/slimbox/css/slimbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="modules/mod_janewslight/ja_newslight/ja-newslight.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

    The above code is for slimbox to work in the template(and is not needed unless you use the gallery.

    <div id="ja-mainnav">

    //Gen menu for CSS, MOO
    //Gen first level menu for Split, Dropline
    $jamenu->genMenu (0);

    <?php if ($this->countModules('ja-qj')) { ?>
    <div id="ja-qj">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="ja-qj" style="raw" />
    <?php } ?>


    The above is also for the horizontal menu, and if you dont need it no problems to remove it.

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    Thank you Menalto for the informations 🙂

    As i see that you know well the template, can i ask you some questions? 🙂

    <blockquote>The above code is for menu</blockquote>
    For the horizontal menu?

    <blockquote>The above code is for slimbox to work in the template(and is not needed unless you use the gallery.</blockquote>
    What is it “the slimbox”?
    I’m sure i don’t need it but i’m just curious to understand where it is and what it is, in the demo 🙂

    Do you know what script is loaded/used to create the legacy vertical menu?
    The one with a little effect in hover, the dottet background of every voice and the signalation of which page you’re visiting? (I could show you a screenshot).
    I’m curious, because i’m not sure i’ve understood it studying the code…

    At last, is there an external file needed to create the “page navigator” in the bottom or it’s a Joomla basic function?

    Thank you 🙂
    It’s really interesting to study the interior of a template 🙂

    mj1256 Friend

    as menalto said, you can get by with what you did but you do lose functionality. he really backed up my comments repeatedly, you lost functionality.

    as menalto pointed out, removing the javascript will cause module and content equal sizing issues as you build the site,

    my point was that when you do want those functions in the future, you will need to add this code back in, or things will not work

    as an example, did you ever see some of those nice slide show galleries, well, they will not work as you removed references to the scripts.

    my other point was that if these were bugs, everyone would have had the same issues and no one has.

    and one more, making the recommendations to others to remove code is not a good thing for them, as they may want all of that functionality that you now won’t have.

    I’m glad you got your site to work as a static html site the way you wanted, good for you 🙂

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    <blockquote>as menalto pointed out, removing the javascript will cause module and content equal sizing issues as you build the site,</blockquote>
    I’ve made my 3 columns “fluid”, using the css. They change their width automatically.
    I don’t see any sizing problems. I don’t understand why some external script are needed to do what can be done by css. BTW, never mind…

    <blockquote>my point was that when you do want those functions in the future, you will need to add this code back in, or things will not work
    as an example, did you ever see some of those nice slide show galleries, well, they will not work as you removed references to the scripts.</blockquote>
    I don’t want the horizontal menu and i don’t want the slideshow galleries.
    I know it’s not what the template was born for, but i’m gonna using it for a news website, not for an image gallery.
    Maybe i’ve made my first error choosing this template instead of another one, already created for what i wanna do.

    <blockquote>my other point was that if these were bugs, everyone would have had the same issues and no one has.</blockquote>
    My same problem is linked in the “FAQ + Fixes for common problems”, without any good solution explained. I’ve linked you a couple of italian dudes having the same problem too.

    <blockquote>and one more, making the recommendations to others to remove code is not a good thing for them, as they may want all of that functionality that you now won’t have.</blockquote>
    I just suggested a possibile solution, if they’ve got my same problem.
    If they haven’t got it, good for them.
    It didn’t work before…now it works.

    <blockquote>I’m glad you got your site to work as a static html site the way you wanted, good for you </blockquote>
    Why “static html”?
    It’s a common news portal…

    Siberiantiger Friend

    There is one more thing to this problem.. All JA templates are supposed to be compatible with at least IE, Mozilla and so on.. it says “Cross Browser Support” and lists about 9 browsers.. one of them is IE7+

    So JA needs to fix this problem. People does not want to pay for templates that does not work with the most common internet browser: Internet Explorer.

    Why create all the fancy options in the template when they know IE7 does not support it.

    I have tried Mozilla, Opera, Maxthon, Chrome, Safari and ssom other browsers.. ALL these have no problem with the template.

    At least JA need to tell users that they do not support IE7

    You can not sell a car that needs gas and then fails because of the gas..

    mauriziotroilo Friend

    At least i’m not the only one saying it…

    BTW, my site has been online for a month, with the changes i’ve done and explained, and it worked great….also with IE…

    docent23 Friend

    I have read all posts regarding AVIAN II template and I have not found any solution.
    In my case everything works fine unless I switch on FLV video player on my site.
    When video modules are on IE6,7 shows errors:
    swfobject is undefined
    Does anybody have an idea how to use AVIAN II(with all integrated module/components) and
    some video player module together ?
    I have paid one year access because of AVIAN and I don’t know any solution

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