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  • doparedes07 Friend

    url: http://www.saltanoticiasinfo.com.ar
    Template: JA Wall
    cms: Joomla 2.5
    Using K2

    tfosnom Friend

    I see you are facing the most common visual problem I see in wall such a small logo space,it doesn’t go well with the rest of the site and JA needs to address that restriction in the revision. The site works well and I can’t read a thing as an english only speaker but . . .

    For me the inclusion of adsense ads and others in the menu panel just destroyed the balanced look of the site for me, adsense and monetizing sites has become a disturbing trend, ppl I speak to with large amts of ads say they are not getting that much from it but persist anyways as every little bit helps often destroying the site in the process and turning visitors away from the site; look at all the Teline based sites :).

    I really don’t think the 1 or 2 ads on a site actually wqpuld long term bring in that much generally. You’d probably do better just making an adsense only wall, that is wall to wall adsense and nothing else that way ppl are forced to click on something 🙂

    At the moment the site, apart from your language, logo & adsense ads looks no different to the wall demo, that’s the nature of a image based site they all are going to look the same if you don’t radically change menu colours and stuff to individualise it.
    Thanks for putting it up, though

    kuerten Friend

    Cool Spanish site. How long did it take for you to pull this off? I’m also curious on how much experience you have in web designing. I am currently a newbie and I have no idea on what I am doing.

    ibthe Friend

    yes, my logo wont fit nicely in that little square…
    I have installed ja wall but to move forward in populating it with my own content is just trial and error. Is there any general guidelines or video lesson on the best step by step to take to populate the site with custom content? So far I put in my general global configuration and changed the category names to reflect my site and changed image folder names in the media manager.
    NOW what? I can only click and explor to see what to do next. What is best way to bring in images. I found this before when I created a site with a template. There wasnt a guide to populate and I finally got it by trial and error…took forever.

    Just alot of simple things but dont know where to start. Thanks for any guidance.

    doparedes07 Friend

    <em>@ibthe 329983 wrote:</em><blockquote>yes, my logo wont fit nicely in that little square…
    I have installed ja wall but to move forward in populating it with my own content is just trial and error. Is there any general guidelines or video lesson on the best step by step to take to populate the site with custom content? So far I put in my general global configuration and changed the category names to reflect my site and changed image folder names in the media manager.
    NOW what? I can only click and explor to see what to do next. What is best way to bring in images. I found this before when I created a site with a template. There wasnt a guide to populate and I finally got it by trial and error…took forever.

    Just alot of simple things but dont know where to start. Thanks for any guidance.</blockquote>
    Hi ibthe here’s some tips (if you didn’t read yet) http://joomla25-templates.joomlart.com/ja_wall/en/documentation 🙂

    ibthe Friend

    yes read through those… looking for a little more. For example:The instructions for Social plugin are very simple and I did them, but cant get anything to feed in. I tried my FB account and another public site.
    Did the entry in the plugin area… is there another entry somewhere else that needs to be done?
    Also, when trying to put in the other Facebook acct, I put in the id and click verify… the page would jump to my Facebook account? What are the guidelines on posting another groups FB account. Maybe that is the key word? It is a group not a person. Can you not feed pages of a personal account?
    My account is also a page off of my personal account.

    modum Friend

    <em>@ibthe 338853 wrote:</em><blockquote>yes read through those… looking for a little more. For example:The instructions for Social plugin are very simple and I did them, but cant get anything to feed in. I tried my FB account and another public site.
    Did the entry in the plugin area… is there another entry somewhere else that needs to be done?
    Also, when trying to put in the other Facebook acct, I put in the id and click verify… the page would jump to my Facebook account? What are the guidelines on posting another groups FB account. Maybe that is the key word? It is a group not a person. Can you not feed pages of a personal account?
    My account is also a page off of my personal account.</blockquote>

    I had the same issue. Essentially, I found what I was looking for right here in the forums:


    Hopefully that helps. It worked for me.

    balbi123 Friend

    Hello, please,

    i have my site: http://www.zaujimama.sk/index.php/en/ which uses ja wall template
    but the loading of images is slower than your website http://www.saltanoticiasinfo.com.ar
    could anyone help me what to do to make loading of website faster?

    thank you very much

    Sherlock Friend

    <em>@balbi123 339374 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello, please,

    i have my site: http://www.zaujimama.sk/index.php/en/ which uses ja wall template
    but the loading of images is slower than your website http://www.saltanoticiasinfo.com.ar
    could anyone help me what to do to make loading of website faster?

    thank you very much</blockquote>

    Hi balbi123,

    those images is loaded via a plugin name Ja lazyload plugin, the plugin that help to load only images have been scrolled to, if you see your images is loaded slowly just try to disable the plugin to see if they get loaded faster.

    balbi123 Friend

    Hi Sherlock,

    thank you for your reply…i disabled the plugin and also set the number of introductory articles in blog categories…
    now it is better…
    would you also know how to put slideshow module between the images and main menu?
    is there any position for it?


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi balbi123,

    you can put a module position at that place, open the template index file templatesja_wallindex.php you look for this snap of code

    <!– MAIN CONTENT –>
    <div id=”content”>
    <div class=”inner content-inner clearfix”>
    <jdoc:include type=”component” />
    <!– // MAIN CONTENT –>

    Just adding above it this code
    <?php if($this->countModules(‘user99’)) : ?>
    <div class=”ja-user99″>
    <jdoc:include type=”modules” name=”user99″ />
    <?php endif; ?>

    Then open the file templates/ja_wall/template.css and adding this css rule

    .ja-user99 {
    width: 100%;

    Now you have a new position name user99 to assign your modules there, btw this is a responsive template so make sure those modules assigned there is able to responsive.

    doparedes07 Friend

    <em>@balbi123 339374 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello, please,

    i have my site: http://www.zaujimama.sk/index.php/en/ which uses ja wall template
    but the loading of images is slower than your website http://www.saltanoticiasinfo.com.ar
    could anyone help me what to do to make loading of website faster?

    thank you very much</blockquote>
    Hi I don’t use the lazyload plugin. To speed your site load you can try:
    1) Optimize images
    2) Resize images (don’t serve scaled images it’s very important this item)
    3) optimize your CSS with this online tool http://www.spritebaker.com (It’s very nice 😉 )
    Good Luck!

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