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  • sunnyjey Friend

    Hi, I would like to know whether the frontpage modules like latest News, Most read etc can be used with Azrul myblog component.

    I feel therotically it should be used, as myblog functions by saving com_content items.

    Only difference is url generated, instead of com_content to com_myblog.

    Is it possible to achieve this where READ MORE URL directed to the Myblog article?

    Thank you

    gray Friend

    yes, it’s possible. as my things with PHP. but not as simple as you could image
    JA Bulletin takes article’s titles and url by
    $query = ‘SELECT a.*,’ . ‘ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(a.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, a.id, a.alias) ELSE a.id END as slug,’ . ‘ CASE WHEN CHAR_LENGTH(cc.alias) THEN CONCAT_WS(“:”, cc.id, cc.alias) ELSE cc.id END as catslug’ . ‘ FROM #__content AS a’ . ‘ LEFT JOIN #__content_frontpage AS f ON f.content_id = a.id’ . ‘ INNER JOIN #__categories AS cc ON cc.id = a.catid’ . ‘ INNER JOIN #__sections AS s ON s.id = a.sectionid’ . ‘ WHERE ( a.state = 1 AND s.id > 0 )’ . ‘ AND ( a.publish_up = ‘ . $db->Quote ( $nullDate ) . ‘ OR a.publish_up <= ‘ . $db->Quote ( $now ) . ‘ )’ . ‘ AND ( a.publish_down = ‘ . $db->Quote ( $nullDate ) . ‘ OR a.publish_down >= ‘ . $db->Quote ( $now ) . ‘ )’ . ($access ? ‘ AND a.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid . ‘ AND cc.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid . ‘ AND s.access <= ‘ . ( int ) $aid : ”) . ($catid ? $catCondition : ”) . ($secid ? $secCondition : ”) . ($show_front == ‘0’ ? ‘ AND f.content_id IS NULL’ : ”) . ‘ AND s.published = 1’ . ‘ AND cc.published = 1’ . ‘ ORDER BY a.hits DESC’;
    $db->setQuery ( $query, 0, $count );
    $rows = $db->loadObjectList ();

    As far as I understand, MyBlog stores article not in jos_content table (otherwise it would work without problems) but in own tables. So, the above query should be hacked to pull data from MyBlog respective tables.

    sunnyjey Friend

    Thank you for replying.

    Can you please elaborate- how and where do i put these code to get this URL redirect.

    I am badly looking for this. My new site is launch is getting delayed because of this

    gray Friend

    I gave you a piece of code JA Bulletin uses NOW to get latest articles from the database.
    Please check in which table MyBlog stores content (articles), compare wtih jos_content (above code is for jos_content) and try to extract same data from MyBlog’s table.

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