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  • djsmooth5 Friend


    I have attempted to make the navcategory the head-search, or try put the search module in there, but it does not work, even by editing the width. I wish to use that space for mobile, no module or custom html works there either.

    Do you have any suggestions. 🙂

    Saguaros Moderator


    Could you illustrate the modification you expected via screenshots?

    djsmooth5 Friend


    Herewith the idea:

    Thank you so much for all the help!!!

    Saguaros Moderator


    This template provides a search module in ‘head-search’ position, you can follow this way to add this module into that position as described in your screenshot.

    • Go to file: ROOT/templates/ja_megastore/tpls/blocks/mainnav.php

    Add this code:

    <?php if ($this->countModules('head-search')) : ?>
        <!-- HEAD SEARCH -->
        <div class="head-search pull-left <?php $this->_c('head-search') ?> hidden-lg hidden-md col-xs-12">
            <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('head-search') ?>" style="raw" />
        <!-- //HEAD SEARCH -->
    <?php endif ?>

    It will look like this:

    Make sure that you have search module assigned to ‘head-search’ position.

    Hope this helps.

    djsmooth5 Friend

    Kind sir,

    Thank you it is heading in the right direction, it is in the right area,

    I have set the VM – Search Mobile to head-search, it now shows this, I am unsure why there is a cart there, as the only cart module is the one floating Top-Cart, it also move the other icons to the right.

    Kindest regards.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you update FTP account of your site? I will check it for you.

    djsmooth5 Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s really weird, I removed the cart now, pls have a look.

    djsmooth5 Friend

    Carts gone but the search is not there :(, could this maybe have anything to do with this:

    I had changed some code in the header.php to achieve the cart next to the Search, and the Search to be more to the right hand side of the website.

    On mobile we wish to have the Search (head-search) in the navbar-category. I know I had problems moving the Search and Top-Cart as individual items, having to adjust the Template Layout as well.

    Any help you have provided is exceptional, I have searched the forms for more answers, and can not find any :(.

    Saguaros Moderator

    I’m not sure if you load the cart module somewhere.

    You can try to create a new module position and load it into the mainnav block like the way you load ‘head-search’ module above. Then assign the search module you want into this new position.

    djsmooth5 Friend

    What ever you can do will be greatly appreciated. 😀 Please, it is bugging me greatly, and my dead line is coming up soon 😐

    Saguaros Moderator

    You can try this tweak:

    • Go to file: ROOT/templates/ja_megastore/templateDetails.xml
    • Add a new position: search-nav like this:

    • Then open the mainnav block again: ROOT/templates/ja_megastore/tpls/blocks/mainnav.php
    • Load the module in the new created position:

      <?php if ($this->countModules('search-nav')) : ?>
      <div class="search-nav hidden-lg hidden-md col-xs-12">
          <jdoc:include type="modules" name="<?php $this->_p('search-nav') ?>" style="raw"/>
      <?php endif ?>
    • You will also need to assign your search module into this ‘search-nav’ position.
    djsmooth5 Friend


    I have tried this, it shows up above the nav-category, and it also does not work lol.
    It wont allow you to input anything into it. Even if it is there that is fine, we want to move the menu then to the top as mentioned before, and remove that black bar.

    Any idea why it is not working :(?

    Saguaros Moderator


    I suggest the way to create position there only, you will need to style for it to make it looks nice.

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