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  • treybraid Friend

    where can i get one? i have a shop and i have tried every conceivable menu with little to no success… have even installed the extend-menu and that dsnt work… i just want a simple flyout menu…right now i have a module from shape5 – virtuemart accordion menu – with the amount of products and categories that isnt going to work…

    here is the url:

    desperate here!!!!

    please help…

    Anonymous Moderator

    Dear treybraid,

    As you are requesting heavy customization, I am afraid that you have to handle the changes at your end.
    Alternatively, please take into consideration to post your requirements on to find a talent freelancer for your project.
    I am sorry for not being of much help in this case.

    treybraid Friend

    no i just dont where i can get one…. i have looked high and low and cant fine one…. im seeing template’s with a vertical flyout— again where can i get it… if i have to canabalize another template for the menu i will — how would i do this and what file’s would i need to copy…


    treybraid Friend

    can someone please refer me to a good vertical flyout menu…. for the left side of the template…

    again here is the url:

    i have a menu with many sub items— right now i am using a virtuemart accordion menu which due to # of sub items it dsnt look good… i need a menu that will expand on mouse over or a flyout menu… someone please help…

    ive tried the sbd accordion menu; but, it expands completely revealing the sub items… is there another menu from another template i can canabolize— and how would i do that..


    treybraid Friend

    someone please help????

    mj1256 Friend

    there is nothing out there that does this, you need to do custom development. Joomlancers is a good place to find someone to do this for you.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  mj1256 15 years, 10 months ago.

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