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  • phee Friend

    Hi guys, I currently moved one of my sites to wordpress, and I know it’s not really related to Joomla, but Joomla’s community is much better (promise I’m not saying that only because I’m here), but it’s php coding, so I guess you guys can help!

    I’m trying to get the retweet and facebook button to sit side by side on the the same line as ‘Posted on July 21,2010’ and align it to the right.

    I was playing around with it earlier and it was sitting side by side fine, but the retweet button left a small white gap under itself, making the template look yuck!

    My website: http://wp.hellokpop.com/2010/07/yg-ceo-talks-of-se7ens-struggle-in-america/

    I’m trying to get it to look like this: http://www.news.com.au/world/worlds-strongest-beer-guaranteed-to-dent-your-wallet-if-not-your-liver/story-e6frfkyi-1225895855686

    Below is the code:
    [PHP]<p style=”text-align: right;”><script type=”text/javascript”></p>
    <p>tweetmeme_style = ‘compact’;</p>
    <p><script type=”text/javascript” src=”http://tweetmeme.com/i/scripts/button.js”></script><div id=”fb-root”> </div></p>
    <p>window.fbAsyncInit = function() {</p>
    <p>FB.init({appId: ‘131698263515880’, status: true, cookie: true,</p>
    <p>xfbml: true});</p>
    <p>(function() {</p>
    <p>var e = document.createElement(‘script’); e.async = true;</p>
    <p>e.src = document.location.protocol +</p>
    <p><fb:like action=’recommend’ colorscheme=’light'</p>
    <p>layout=’button_count’ show_faces=’false’ width=’70’/></p></p>


    Laura Rubino Friend

    If joomla community is much better, Why did you go to wordpress?

    phee Friend

    Joomla! itself didn’t offer itself as a blogging platform while WordPress appeared to have the features I wanted, and it was much easier customize for someone like me.

    When I meant the Joomla! community, I meant the people itself, I’ve received great help!

    Laura Rubino Friend

    Ever heard of K2 or movable types?

    phee Friend

    No, and that is exactly my point, I see Joomla great for other concepts but as a blogging platform, WordPress beats it, and I’m a Joomla fan.

    cansay Friend

    To me it appears you have solved the problem ?

    hotelhiit Friend

    i want to navigation to be right next to the logo. but instead is aligning below and not all the way to the right

    body {
    background:#efecca url(graphics/bg.jpg) repeat-x;
    margin:0 auto;
    font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;

    background:url(graphics/logo.png) no-repeat;

    #nav {

    #nav li{
    padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;

    Also if you see something wrong with the way i coded to css part, could u please share. thanks!

    Hotel [/url]

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