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  • lo30sopa6 Developer

    Hi all,

    Can anyone help me to integrate the Cufon font replacement script in the blank template?

    I managed to integrate it successfully in a template on the T3 v1 framework. But everything has changed now with the T3 v2 framework.

    Thanks in advance,

    cssyeah Moderator

    Hi lo30sopa6,

    Why you don’t use Google font? we removed the CUFON in T3v2. If you want to use cufon in blank template, you can copy some script from the T3 v1 to the T3 v2.

    If you can’t do it, i can help you. 🙂

    lo30sopa6 Developer

    Hi Trungch,

    First of all thanks for your reply.

    The reason for me to not use the googlefont option is mainly because most of their fonts don’t render nicely across all browser platforms.

    And besides that I would like to use some other kind of fonts, which Google doesn’t provide. I allready managed to get @Facefont working in the template, but I still prefer Cufon for headings & titles and stuff.

    In order to get Cufon working: If you could show me which code I should copy and where I should paste it, I would be very grateful 🙂 And I think a lot of other Joomlart-members as well!


    Saguaros Moderator

    1) you copy the head.php file from the : pluginssystemjat3base-themesdefaultblocks and put it into the templatesJATEMPALTEblocks

    2) you get the folder: templatesja_purityiilibscufon and put it into the templatesJATEMPALTEjs folder

    3) you open the head.php file ( # at step1 )
    and add the following code at end of file:

    <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo JURI::base();?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template ?>/js/cufon/js/cufon-yui.js”></script>
    <script language=”javascript” type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php echo JURI::base();?>/templates/<?php echo $this->template ?>/js/cufon/fonts/Museo_500_400.font.js”></script>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    ‘.componentheading, .contentheading, .ja-zintitle a, div.moduletable h3, div.moduletable_menu h3, div.moduletable_text h3, div.moduletable_highlight h3’,
    { fontFamily: ‘Museo 500’ }
    Cufon.replace (
    ‘.logo-text h1’,
    { fontFamily: ‘Museo 500’, color: ‘-linear-gradient(#999, #000, #999)’, textShadow: ‘#ccc 1px 1px’ }

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