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  • sbaldwin Friend

    OK, I paid for Copyright Removal. I’m trying to remove “Designed By Joomlart” etc. My instructions say for T3 Framework Version 2 to copy the default.php from the mod_footer folder to Joomla_root/templates/ja_template_name/html/mod_footer/ folder.

    The problems is under the Joomla_root/templates/ja_template_name/html for Ja Portfolio THERE IS NO mod_footer folder! Please help!!! Going live tomorrow!

    I have attached a screenshot of folders listed.

    1. folders
    aman204 Friend

    I assume that you have explorer installed in admin so can you please pm me superadmin details and screenshot of your membership page like this to check it out for you::



    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Aman204,

    I had to create a mod_footer “folder” to get this to work. My PDF instructions never mentioned to “create a new folder”.

    I was able to make the changes to the Joomlart information but how do I remove the part about Joomla! Free Open Source Software? I will PM you my membership reference number, meanwhile if you could just tell me how to remove the Joomla! Free Open Source I’ll be all set…thank you!

    Phill Moderator

    Either remove the code below from mod_footer>default.php

    <small><?php echo JText::_( 'FOOTER_LINE2' ); ?></small>

    Or edit FOOTER_LINE2 in your language file

    Or (and the simplest way), simply remove the mod_footer module in the module manager of the Joomla back end and create a custom html module in the footer position.

    sbaldwin Friend

    Hi Phill,

    Thanks so much for your help! I will give this a try:)

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sbaldwin 14 years ago.

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