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  • redlight_traitor Friend

    There is no guide on how to make the transmenu work! I already did the “edit html” and put in “3” to use the transmenu but it still doesn’t work on my site. Please tell me how to make submenus, etcc….. I am totally lost! Thanks – Johnny

    btw, my site is http://www.mfuz.com if you need to check it ou

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Hi Jonny,
    Admin >> Menu Manager >> Mainmenu
    Then click on any menu item (Eg: newsflash), you will see there is Parent Item setting for the menu. You will choose the parent menu for “newsflash” via this settings. You can set “Home” as the parent menu.

    redlight_traitor Friend

    OOHHHHH OK, I got it!

    Noobs: here’s the detailed instructions:

    For the transmenu, pick “3” in the index.php file

    and then go to your menu, and add another menu item, and inside the item options….there’s a scrolldown list for you to pick a parent. Instead of leaving it at TOP which is the default, pick another item on the same menu and you will see that the new item will become a child item under the parent via the transmenu effect!

    thanks joomlart, you guys rock!

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Glad you did it ! feel free to post whenever you need help

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 18 years, 3 months ago.

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