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  • Wolter und Schurig GbR Friend

    Hi to all,

    i am using the larix template with the JM_Produktslider. Everthink works fine until i updated wirtuemart from 1.1.2 to 1.1.4

    The problem:
    The Space between Slider Picture Headline an the picture itself increases so that there is a lot waste of space.

    Example: http://www.permastempel.de/

    as before i need only a little Space about 15px between Slide Pic an Pic Headline.

    ———————————–the following is the output of “Firebug”

    <div id=”jsslide_2″ class=”jsslide” style=”position: absolute; width: 210px; height: 150px; top: 0pt; left: 210px;”>
    <!– The product name DIV. –>
    <div style=“height: 77px; float: left; width: 100%; line-height: 14px;”>
    <a href=”/trodat-printy-automatikstempel/trodat-printy-4910-automatikstempel” title=”Trodat Printy 4910 Automatikstempel”>Trodat Printy 4910 Automatikstempel</a>

    i hink the prob are the marked 77px but couldnĀ“t find the position to change.

    Pleas help – i am still searching for hours or are simply to blind :confused:…….Thank you

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi pillepalle

    Open components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/common/productsnapshot.tpl.php file, you will see this code

    You only change 77px to your suitalbe.

    Wolter und Schurig GbR Friend

    thanks dear developer,

    with your hint i coudlsolve the prob. Thank you for your fast and proffesional answer – keep on doing that great work..

    best regards from Dresden/Germany


    Nicolas BEROT Friend

    I have the same problem

    Thank you for your answer

    best regards from France (Dax)


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Nicolas BEROT 15 years, 1 month ago.

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