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  • g.akram Friend

    Hi guys, I need help on my website, with the regulus_ex I have a virtuemart shop, everything goes well, I placed the random products module on the front page and the products are showing but they are to close to each other, so I want them to be little more separated, I serched in many files but I couldnt find where to change it. Please help if you can.
    my site is http://www.oqdaygsm.nl I have joomla installed, template is regulus_ex and virtuemart, the module is random products module, is also strange that no other virtue mart module works if I put it in the same position, it is not showing it, only the randomproducts shows comimg up.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    try to add the following to your template_css.css file:

    table.moduletable td img {
    margin: 10px;
    hspace: 3px;
    vspace: 3px;

    g.akram Friend

    Yeah, this solves the problem, thanks
    I pasted it in css and it was little be bigger than I needed, so I changed the 10 margin to 7 and it fits perfectly now. Thanks for your help.

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