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  • knofko Friend


    how can i hide whole mainmenu from specific page on site? I use jat3 2 framework and joomla 2.5, and i’d like to hide menu from page with forum (forum has his own menu).

    Thanks in advance!

    Phill Moderator

    Can we have a link to your site please?

    knofko Friend


    Page, to hide mainmenu is in:Interaktivno/Ponujene vsebine/Forum

    Phill Moderator

    Nice work, well done.

    In JAT3 V2 you can create duplicate your profile (whichever one you are using for the other pages). To do this go to the template manager and select your template. Select the profiles tab and click on the profile you are using where you will find a clone option. When you have cloned go to the layouts tab and clone your default layout.

    Edit the cloned layout then find and remove the line below.
    <block name=”mainnav” type=”mainnav” main-inner=”1″></block>[/PHP]

    Return to the profile tab and for your new cloned profile select the new cloned layout.

    Then the final stage is to use the “Language & Page Assignments” section on the left to select which menu item you wish that profile to appear on.

    knofko Friend

    Thanks Phill,

    your help was awesome- easy, clean and effective. I had to try few times with this profile-language-page assignment to get “the feeling”, but i was successful. Thx again.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  knofko 11 years, 11 months ago.

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