I have searched and read all the post in the sticky.
i get to the final stage of the installment part for joomla where you type in your site name and everything. it says congrats joomla is now installed. but i go to the site and get a weird message.
so i uninstalled and tried again this time i looked around where it said congrats.
at the very top it tells me access denied here is the message.
Warning: file_put_contents(D:Hosting4406080htmlconfiguration.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:Hosting4406080htmlinstallationinstallermodelsmodel.php on line 850
i dont know what i am doing wrong but thats what i do.
in the database section i put this
host name: michaelbuchs.db.4406080.hostedresource.com
database name: michaelbuchs
then i skip the ftp part
then the finally screen once i finish on that screen and complete the setup i get that error