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  • michaelbuchs Friend

    I have searched and read all the post in the sticky.

    i get to the final stage of the installment part for joomla where you type in your site name and everything. it says congrats joomla is now installed. but i go to the site and get a weird message.

    so i uninstalled and tried again this time i looked around where it said congrats.

    at the very top it tells me access denied here is the message.

    Warning: file_put_contents(D:Hosting4406080htmlconfiguration.php) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:Hosting4406080htmlinstallationinstallermodelsmodel.php on line 850

    i dont know what i am doing wrong but thats what i do.

    in the database section i put this

    host name: michaelbuchs.db.4406080.hostedresource.com
    database name: michaelbuchs


    then i skip the ftp part


    then the finally screen once i finish on that screen and complete the setup i get that error

    Saguaros Moderator

    You have the problem about the Permission:

    1) The simplest, please you install the quickstart on your localhost. When you completed everything, you put your project and import database into your host. Finally you change some settings in the configuration file.

    2) You still try to install the quickstart on your host. with each step of the installation, you check the configuration.php file: Did the file create?, If it exists, you’ll set the permission 777 for this and continue the next steps ?

    3) if you could not complete this task, please kindly submit a ticket ( please give me full information such as the fpt account, the administrator account…etc)


    michaelbuchs Friend

    ya it is still not working for me 🙁

    michaelbuchs Friend

    problem fixed

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  michaelbuchs 15 years ago.

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