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  • tempusserbia Friend

    Aix, new improvoments to step back.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bigrk 65903 wrote:</em><blockquote>I just clicked on new posts for today. There were none!!! This will not work either!

    Check that! I looked at What’s New and there were none but the New Posts seems to work okay.</blockquote>

    Since I am not a Moderator, I really am not interested in most of the contents of the categories, even if there is something new. Nonetheless, what makes me participate in the discussions in other Forum sections is a key feature:

    The title of a newly updated thread.

    So, it does not have to be a new post. But the most important, the title gives you an idea of what is contained there to warrant people to respond to it. And, if it catches your attention, you might even read it, and go further by responding yourself.

    It is true that the aforementioned title of a newly updated thread. will be included. but it would require yet another visit to a new section, and you still have to look through the “new posts”, The fact that it is chronological rather than based on the set ordered layout of the Forum sections, add further work to find what you want.

    I think if this feature is added, the title of a newly updated thread. , plus the total number of threads and posts, then the good features of the New layout, may be married with the great features of the previous layout.

    No need to throw the baby with the water — as the saying goes. And here, the baby is the new layout, not the old.


    cgc0202 Friend

    At the top parts, the only one with “New” yellow icon is Customer Testimonials (
    and the new one is not very recent. ), and well way at the bottom:

    JA Members Exchange – Restricted to Members Only

    All the rest of the forum sections have no ‘New” yellow icon, which obviously is not the case, especially with the very busy JA Teline II forum.


    anisjolly Friend

    oh dear!

    i do hope the devs read this thread and realise that the new layout is a concern.

    I’m not a mod but I want to do my best to help people out. After the experience with the layout today – i’m losing confidence in doing even that.

    It’s tooooooo hard!!!! lol

    mj1256 Friend

    guys, its at the top, see screenshot

    see screenshot

    1. new
    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@mj1256 65949 wrote:</em><blockquote>guys, its at the top, see screenshot

    see screenshot</blockquote>]

    Not the same effect mj1256. In the old, it is a lot longer, but when you enter the forum Intro page, you have the lay of the land. Just by looking at the title of the last modified thread, I know exactly what forum sites have something new worth reading.

    In the first place, there might be a gazillion new threads that are displayed, in the “What’s New” but they might just be neverending rants about how bad the latest template was, or whatever Hung might happen to have announced.

    Frankly, who cares reading those neverending new rants.

    Plus, not only do you have to open another link, you have to go through the “chronological link” of so called new threads or postings. Most of them may be for templates forum or other forums that you have no interest at all. So, wasted time.

    You do not have to suffer through those extra steps in the old layout. Plus, as I stated in earlier posts, there are some statistical data that you cannot now access with the new layout. Not sure if that was one of the deliberate intentions of the new layout. I hope not.


    mfcphil Friend

    I know where that button is…thats not what we are saying.

    The new set up is very poor!!!

    Improvements are supposed to make things better, this fails to do that.

    mj1256 Friend

    I wasn’t saying that anything was good or bad, better or worse, just pointing out that it could be accessed here because there were some posts earlier in the thread that said that there was a “new” flag and that they could not find it.

    My own thoughts are simular to yours.

    It would be nice if we could resort the right hand column by template so we wouldn’t have to search through pages of postings to find one about the templates we are interested in

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@mj1256 65968 wrote:</em><blockquote>I wasn’t saying that anything was good or bad, better or worse, just pointing out that it could be accessed here because there were some posts earlier in the thread that said that there was a “new” flag and that they could not find it.

    My own thoughts are simular to yours.</blockquote>

    Provided we are in the same wavelength. We actually saw that already, as mcfphil pointed out. There are some who did not, you are correct.

    I have been doing a statistical analyis of the dynamic users visiting the site at different times, total threads and total posts — but I do not have easy access to that information now. It was good I started about three weeks or so ago, and I have enough information to see trends.


    TomC Moderator

    <em>@cgc0202 65969 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    I have been doing a statistical analyis of the dynamic users visiting the site at different times, total threads and total posts — but I do not have easy access to that information now. </blockquote>
    Thank You, Data

    bigrk Friend

    I have discovered that I am not receiving emails to notify me of new posts in threads that I have subscribed to. This could be a big problem within a couple of days.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@bigrk 65977 wrote:</em><blockquote>I have discovered that I am not receiving emails to notify me of new posts in threads that I have subscribed to. This could be a big problem within a couple of days.</blockquote>

    Odd, I receive all of mine where I posted. It seems automated, until I unsubscribe.

    By the way, Menalto or bigrk, since you are both Super Moderators, we suggested this topic is better suited in the Feedback/Information.


    questbg Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 66020 wrote:</em><blockquote>Odd, I receive all of mine where I posted. It seems automated, until I unsubscribe.</blockquote>

    My e-mail notifications are working fine too?

    anisjolly Friend

    sometimes i do not receive them but then i’ll have an influx of emails 24 – 48 hours later telling me of the new posts (after i’ve already seen them!)

    cgc0202 Friend

    I visited the “New Posts: listing and it had so few “New Posts” listed. Just two for example in JA Teline II, when in fact there were almost a dozen listed as “Today”.

    Even the Forum sections that were tagged New did not merit any new thread or post inclusion.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 54 total)

This topic contains 54 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 16 years, 3 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum