Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)
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  • anisjolly Friend

    Hey Hung

    thanks for dropping by. it would be nice to see some of the old look and feel here.

    and there were people saying that JA don’t listen. Phhmpph!

    you just proved them wrong!

    Hung Dinh Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 65873 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,

    The new layout is very clean. However, it has lost its effectiveness.

    In the old format, you know the following information even before getting in:

    1. Is there a new posting?
    2. What is it?
    3. Will you be interested in it?
    4. How many threads and posts now?

    Now, you have to check each one to answer the above questions. Whether it was intentional, the fourth issue

    How many threads and posts now?

    is now not part of the key information that the customers can use.


    Thanks Cornelio,
    As suggest, in this week I think we will make some more improvements to the new layout.

  • Is there a new posting?
  • There will be recent posts (for unregistered) and new posts and new threads since your last visit (for returning members)

  • What is it? <— Have you mouseover?
  • Will you be interested in it? :confused:
  • How many threads and posts now? We ll added this info at the end of forum name. Eg: JA Corona (x/y) (z viewing) where x is new threads, y is total threads and z is the number of online users are viewing that forum
cgc0202 Friend

<em>@Hung Dinh 66434 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks Cornelio,
As suggest, in this week I think we will make some more improvements to the new layout.

  • Is there a new posting?
  • There will be recent posts (for unregistered) and new posts and new threads since your last visit (for returning members)

  • What is it? <— Have you mouseover?
  • Will you be interested in it? :confused:
  • How many threads and posts now? We ll added this info at the end of forum name. Eg: JA Corona (x/y) (z viewing) where x is new threads, y is total threads and z is the number of online users are viewing that forum</blockquote>
  • Thanks Hung,

    the key is to have the latest update post showing with each forum — even just the title no need to place the name. The generic “New post” should still be at the top.

    As I stated in my previous post, aesthetically, like some of the templates that I like, the new layout is good — it just have to be more informative.


    mfcphil Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 66430 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey Phil, that is not true. The new layout was totally completed yesterday and I have had to spent sometimes working on templates and extensions which are more important than this new layout. Anyways I ll try to put back to new post summary on the top to see if you feel more familiar to the only ones.</blockquote>

    I will be delighted if and when you prove me wrong 😀 Don’t get me wrong I love the tidy look of the new layout…it just is nowhere near as effective as the old system…I look forward to your improvements. 😉

    nigelta Friend

    The layout sucks big time, a forum is essentially a way of communicating with others and this layout completely misses the mark.

    If it was a forum that was competing for members instead of having a captive audience then it would surely be doomed to failure. I have spent several years in this area and if I came across this mish mash then I would just skip it and go elsewhere.

    I dont want to see new posts in all areas, just certain forums and I want to be able to see them at a glance. This I can no longer do so I am rarely on the forum now because its just to convoluted to find a post.

    Hung if I were you I would look up what a forum is supposed to do and take note because this one doesn’t hack it.

    anisjolly Friend

    I think it’s worth giving Hung some praise for acknowledging this thread and actually replying to the feedback.

    I hope to see some changes soon – however, remember these guys are also busy trying to get another template ready for us!

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Hung Dinh 66434 wrote:</em><blockquote>Thanks Cornelio,
    As suggest, in this week I think we will make some more improvements to the new layout.

  • Is there a new posting?
  • There will be recent posts (for unregistered) and new posts and new threads since your last visit (for returning members)

  • What is it? <— Have you mouseover?
  • Will you be interested in it? :confused:
  • How many threads and posts now? We ll added this info at the end of forum name. Eg: JA Corona (x/y) (z viewing) where x is new threads, y is total threads and z is the number of online users are viewing that forum</blockquote>
  • Thanks Hung,

    I just saw the recent changes to the layout Hung. Including the most recent postings, and the top most popular template forums (based on total threads or postings) at the top helps.

    It is a good compromise — not exactly as some of us were proposing, and I will sugest a more subtle revision in a separate post.

    Just one more request. Is there a way to provide an alphabetical listing of the template forums — it does not have to be on the front page, if you do not want to revise the front page.

    Perhaps something like this, if in the front page :

    Ten most recent template forums

    Alphabetical list of all the templates forums (including those listed above)

    Hainn suggested a template last night and I have to look all over because the listing is chronological.

    One other good thing, not in the Front page, is to include the Download link, as the first stick, for each Template Forum.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Proposed revision:

    The most recent revision of the layout list the most recent 15 posts, arranged this way:


    Latest posts (Title) => Replies => Views => Forum

    When I saw it this morning, there were 5 Teline II, 2 original Teline and 2 Kulanite.

    Because of the duplication, at least 6 different forums (if only 15 are listed) were not given a chance to be included. In other words, only 9 different forums are actually represented in the most recent posts.

    In fact, at certain times of the day, there may be more Teline II (6 as I was writing this) and some of the more popular forums may occupy the slots, from my analysis.

    The information above are also quite redundant because a user of Teline II would most likely visit the site anyway, and that is also true for the other most popular forums, already listed in the Top 15 forums.


    If there would be just 15 lines, if what is shown is the Forum with most recent post , there will always be 15 different forums that will be represented in the list, and the most important information really are these two:

    Forum with most recent post => Title of most recent Post

    not sure if there would be too much additional space used if the top 20 Forum with most recent post are included. Seven new posts from a single Template forum.


    At about 11 10 pm EST (20080716), only 7 templates forum (no other forums) were represented in the top 15 posts.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Hi all
    All requested features has been impletmented. More details at

    Thank you very much for all of your feedback. I think we should close this post, if you have more comments, please post to that above post. It is easier for everyone to keep updated overthere

    Viewing 9 posts - 46 through 54 (of 54 total)

    This topic contains 54 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  Hung Dinh 16 years, 3 months ago.

    We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum