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  • omojesu2 Friend

    I just upgraded my Mero template and after the update, my site frontend will not display as I was getting “500 T3_MISSING_T3_PLUGIN” error”. I then proceeded to manually donwload the T3 plugin from Joomlart.com download page and my site frontend was restored. However, the backend is still showing that the T3 plugin is outdated even though it states that I have v1.1.0. I checked Ja Extension manager and it shows that there are no new version

    <blockquote>See error below
    Dude! There’s a newer version for your T3 Framework!

    Your version is 1.1.0. T3 Framework’s latest version is 1.1.0.</blockquote>

    Luna Garden Moderator

    <blockquote>I just upgraded my Mero template and after the update, my site frontend will not display as I was getting “500 T3_MISSING_T3_PLUGIN” error”.</blockquote>

    Yes, new Ja Mero is now using T3 framework, not T3V3 framework anymore. You can follow this link for the upgrade processing: http://t3-framework.org/documentation/installation.html#upgrade

    <blockquote>the backend is still showing that the T3 plugin is outdated even though it states that I have v1.1.0. I checked Ja Extension manager and it shows that there are no new version</blockquote>

    At this time, latest version of T3 framework is 1.1.0. The message that you see is because of cache of Joomla Update.
    Try to clear cache by follow this link: http://wiki.joomlart.com/wiki/JA_Extensions_Manager/How-to#Known_issues

    omojesu2 Friend

    I have just submitted a ticket but posting here shouldn’t in case some else is having the same issue.

    I am having several issues after upgrading to the latest t3 framework.

    1. In Joomla backend, clicking Template Manager and selecting Ja_Mero default template takes you to the template page but the css on the page is messed up. There is also an error at the bottom of the page “Fatal error: Call to undefined function t3import() in …./layout.tpl.php on line 15”
    2. Additionally, there is a welcome to T3! popup that will not go away even after clicking either Start the tour or End. Hence I can no longer manage the template from this screen.
    3. In the default Joomla Extension Manager: Update screen, I am showing five Joomlart extension needing updates. I have attempted to update these extesnions using the Joomlart extension manager. However, the extension manager is reporting that all Joomlart extensions are up to date.
    3. On the frontend,after updating T3, one of my 3rd party extensions (JForce) now has a broken modal class. Not sure what changed in the code to make the extension navigation to move when page is scrolling. This issue does not happen when I switch to any of the default Joomla templates.


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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  omojesu2 11 years, 6 months ago.

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