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  • alicemare Friend


    I need to insert a new “position” on the top of main body, at the left of “user5”.
    And then, I’d like to be able to use just col2 in some specific pages.

    How can I do that?

    Thanks in advance.


    jonathanretting Friend

    It doesn’t sound like you know enough to accomplish this. But the jist is just <? echo mosloadmodules (‘mymodule’) ?> Where you want it in the template. If your trying to add a whole new col you need to create a <DIV> with its associated styling’s to make it fit correctly. Then adjust your other Divs if they are being pushed around and adjust accordingly. Make sure you assign the class and id to your Divs to make sure the moduletable styling load correctly.

    Thats the jist good luck.


    antoniu1 Friend

    Hi Alice,

    Let me help you for real, instead of just vaguely commenting your question. 😉

    To add a module position on top of the main area is actually VERY easy. You can do it. Do the following:

    Open the file index.php from the template. It’s in the folder of the template.

    Scroll down to this part:

    <!-- BEGIN: CONTENT -->
    <div id="ja-content">
    <div class="innerpad">

    Then add directly underneath:

    <?php if ( mosCountModules('topmain') ) { ?>
    <div id="ja-topmain">
    <?php echo mosLoadModules ( 'topmain',-1 ); ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Save the file and go to the administrator side –> template manager –> module positions.

    Add another position named: topmain.

    Go to modules and add another module with some text and place it on topmain. It will be in the list. And voila! It’s there!

    Good luck!


    csaling Friend

    Thanks this worked perfectly!!!!!!!!!:D

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This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  csaling 16 years, 10 months ago.

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