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  • marian Friend

    It’s possibile to create a new position on top, before the logo to insert an horizontal menu module ?

    korb Friend

    Sure it is possible. you can see also the mainav module position and styling to find some inspiration.
    Good Day,

    chairmenmao Friend

    yes,of course
    do you pay attention on seo? will somebody check my site about the seo,thanks:)

    marian Friend

    Thank you korb,
    But I don’t know which file(s) do I edit and which code do I add?
    I want to add this position on top of the screen to add a kind of orizontal menu.
    Can provide an example?

    korb Friend

    Each of the layouts have a separate file to manage the module positions. For instance default.php located in templates/ja_purity_ii/layouts. In your case you can simply change the block ordering in that file so the mainnav block should be above the header block.
    So for this example, change these lines

    <!-- HEADER -->
    <?php $this->loadBlock('header') ?>
    <!-- //HEADER -->

    <!-- MAIN NAVIGATION -->
    <?php $this->loadBlock('mainnav') ?>
    <!-- //MAIN NAVIGATION -->

    to this code

    <!-- MAIN NAVIGATION -->
    <?php $this->loadBlock('mainnav') ?>
    <!-- //MAIN NAVIGATION -->

    <!-- HEADER -->
    <?php $this->loadBlock('header') ?>
    <!-- //HEADER -->

    Good day 🙂

    marian Friend

    But I don’t want to change the block ordering!
    I need to add another one! different from “mainnav”

    korb Friend

    In that case, open header.php block and create a new module position there, above the logo and make it width100% floating left adn the height you need, and then you can use the styling from bottom menu, or the styling from mainnav, as you wish.

    daoes Friend

    <em>@korb 156923 wrote:</em><blockquote>In that case, open header.php block and create a new module position there, above the logo and make it width100% floating left adn the height you need, and then you can use the styling from bottom menu, or the styling from mainnav, as you wish.

    Hi korb,
    could u explain that? i mean the complete code thx

    musicinme Friend

    Just try to use FireBug (if your browser is Firefox).

    Don’t know if you need something like new menu above standard menu, but you can try this:

    In templateDetails.xml add new position, i.e.


    next put this code at the end layouts/bloks/header.php

    <?php if($this->countModules('newposition')) : ?>
    <div class="newstyle">
    <jdoc:include type="modules" name="newposition" />
    <?php endif; ?>

    Then go to template.css and assign style to fit this position with the rest of header.

    div.newstyle {
    background: url(../images/grad1-mask.png) repeat-x top #444;
    border-top: 1px solid #666;
    line-height: 1;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 9;

    But this is just a very simple example how to add new module position, so don’t swear me 😉

    daoes Friend

    hi musicinme thats very helpful 🙂

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  daoes 15 years ago.

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