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  • pontikoua Friend

    Hi all,

    I installed the Droid quickstart localhost (joomla 1.5.22, PHP 5.2.11).

    After working with this for a while, I tried to add a few nes users. Then Logged out to loggin again with the new user details and this was not possible.

    So, logged in again with my 1st admin account to see if I used wrong passwords.
    But In User manager I couldn’t see the new users. Only the 1st superadmin account was there.
    Then checked in K2, there were all the users.
    Also checked in database with phpmyadmin, and there I can see all the users which they belong to the right user groups.

    I tried several login attempts, by changing the users, their passwords and their groups with no success.

    I am not so familiar with the K2 component, so I don’ t know if K2 has something to do with the user management and why a new user from Joomla user manager goes in the K2 users and not showing in the Joomla’s default panel. But from what I get, this should not be a problem or need extra settings by
    having K2 enabled and creating new users.

    I dived in the forums here and found some similar problems, but nothing that could answer my problem.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Now, you need to check those users in the User Joomla Manager, are they activated or not?, Because K2 Users are managed independent way, it does not relate group and permissions of the joomla.

    pontikoua Friend

    What is happening in my case, is that I use Joomla’s User Manager to create new users. But these users aren’t showing up in Joomla User Maneger. Instead of this they appear directly inside K2 users.

    These newly created users cannot access neither front or back end.

    However when I look in database with phpmyadmin they exist there.

    So, to answer to your question if they are activated in Joomla User Manager, I would say that they are not even displayed there, beside the fact that they have created in there.

    Mentioning again: I am not creating users in K2. I create them in Joomla User Manager and they don’t appear there. :confused:

    Saguaros Moderator

    hmm, please provide me the FTP account and the administrator account, i will check this issue in detail

    pontikoua Friend

    Unfortunately it is localhost for the moment. I could upload it on a test server later. I will inform you then. Thanx!

    teammediallc Friend

    I am having the same issue except I installed the Rave Quickstart. Same Joomla & PHP Versions.

    thuanlq Friend

    I think your problem happend when you install on localhost and your localhost didn’t config smtp for send activation email.
    you try do following:
    – Open your administrator.
    – Go to Global Configuration page.
    – On System tab, User settings group, i choosed “No” for “New User Account Activation” param.
    – Save your config.
    On frontpage, you try register new k2 user.
    hope it solve your problem

    Khanh Le Moderator

    Let’s sometime to check this problem and will update you if we find out anything.

    trustit Friend


    I’m having the same problem with JA_Methys.

    When i create a user in the administration it does not appear and have no permissions, although it is created on the jos_users table.

    Really appreciate urgent help.



    Saguaros Moderator

    now, you check 2 tables as i mention in the snapshot, may be they were missed the record, you check and update them

    weblakes Friend

    Does anyone know if there is a there is a solution to this other than have to update missing database entries.

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