Hey guys, for some reason when I create a new K2 Item under any of the K2 categories and save it, the Itemid is not getting appended to the Non-SEF url.
Good Example: (What I want and the way is as been)
This is a normal Non-SEF url : index.php?option=com_k2&Itemid=714&id=598&lang=en&view=item
And here is what the URL looks like: http://www.globaltalentlist.com/artist/mrjorie-cruzat (***notice that the sidebar and aside 1 & aside 2 are visible***)
Bad Example: (What is happening and I don’t want)
This k2 Item was added today and is what’s happening now to the Non-SEF url : index.php?option=com_k2&id=2212&lang=en&view=item (***notice that the &Itemid=714 is missing*** )
And here is what the URL looks like: http://www.globaltalentlist.com/artist/remi-odunsi-mua (***notice that the sidebar and aside 1 & aside 2 are missing because the &Itemid=714 was not automatically appended to the Non-SEF url when it was saved.****)
The only solution that I found to resolve this is to manually add the missing itemid to the specific item via the database.
Do you know why this is happening and how I can fix it.
Thank you