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  • tfosnom Friend

    Hi All
    I have today installed VM 2.08e & All-in-one together with the sample data, I have started to populate the store by making my own categories and overwriting as well as adding new products to the existing sample data, I have set up a shipping method, payment method, default currency, vendor etc.

    I have set the menu to category layout & can see all my categories with the images fine when I open the store. The problem starts when I click on a category, I get no images or display of MY products, but any left over sample products from the sample data will display. I have turned off the template join & minify css etc. I have turned off and back on the VM JQuery function, makes no difference, all products have stock, desc, prices everthing needed. The catalogue mode is OFF. Also The add to cart button does nothing when clicked.

    To See this wonky behaviour – pls go here

    The Training DVD category has 2 products within.

    Here http://www.monsoftwebdesign.net/nex2/shopping/books.html
    I have 3 products one my own, 2 sample data, only the sample data products appear. I’m at a loss to why, The VM forum can’t offer much,l That’s why I turned the VM JQuery off as it’s the most likely thing.

    Any assistance is really appreciated. Support details are attched to post for JA support staff.
    Blessings Shannon

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Tfosnom
    In http://www.monsoftwebdesign.net/nex2/shopping/books.html page where load http://www.monsoftwebdesign.net/nex2/components/com_virtuemart/assets//js/vmprices.js has error js, please modify this file as change all $ to jQuery.
    Find in templates/ja_nex/html is there virtuemart layout override and remove or rename if any.

    Hope that can help you.


    tfosnom Friend

    Hi Hero
    Thanks for the info, I’m having some difficulty with the vmprices.js modification you requested, ” change all $ to jQuery.”

    $ is declared as a variable already set to JQuery . . . ”

    var $ = jQuery,” looking at this code if I change all instances of $ to the word JQuery,
    the js makes no sense..

    Look at this excerpt to se where I am confused.


    ]var $ = jQuery ; $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }) $.getJSON(window.vmSiteurl+”index.php?option=com_virtuemart&nosef=1&view=cart&task=viewJS&format=json”+window.vmLang, function(datas, textStatus) { if (datas.totalProduct >0) { mod.find(“.vm_cart_products”).html(“”); $.each(datas.products, function(key, val) { $(“#hiddencontainer .container”).clone().appendTo(“.vmCartModule .vm_cart_products”); $.each(val, function(key, val) { if ($(“#hiddencontainer .container .”+key)) mod.find(“.vm_cart_products .”+key+”:last”).html(val) ; }); }); mod.find(“.total”).html(datas.billTotal); mod.find(“.show_cart”).html(datas.cart_show); } mod.find(“.total_products”).html(datas.totalProductTxt);

    I just don’t see removing a variable and replacing it with the same content makes any difference? Perhaps if you could explain why the js isn’t allowing the variable to
    function may help me understand the need to make these changes?

    Blessings Shannon

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Tfosnom
    Remove or comment var $ = jQuery then replace all $ to jQuery


    tfosnom Friend

    Hi Hero
    Thanks for the clarification, I have done that on a local copy of the site and see no change, I have checked for any overrides none are present
    Blessings Shannon

    HeR0 Friend

    Hi Tfosnom
    Did you clean all cache for applying?


    tfosnom Friend

    OOh Yeah, cache has been cleaned, vacumned washed & polished even :laugh:

    In the end I have made a subsite using JA Vintas QS and altered logos, colour scheme to match my nex scheme , I may need some pointers on menu css to achieve the absolute same rollover effects but for now it’s a working cart.
    Thanks for all your help. I’ll mark this one as solved

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tfosnom 12 years, 5 months ago.

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