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  • marinolab Friend

    Even if I set for animation the Ja News featured, I can see it only in static mode…

    Sherlock Friend

    hi marinolab,

    You might have set two the fields of Animation Duration and Auto play duration equally that could be problem, the value at Auto play duration should be greater, you can set this field to 10000 and 500 for Animation Duration for example.

    marinolab Friend

    …and always set the number of featured articles >1 in Display Settings…
    many many thanks

    I have another little problem:
    because I have the space for the first featured news very slim (my choise), how can modify the grey bar at the bottom (more short) and translate “1 OF 2” in “1 di 2” ?
    Thanks again

    Sherlock Friend

    Hi marinolab,

    how can modify the grey bar at the bottom (more short)
    You can open the file of templates/ja_teline_iv/html/mod_janews_featured/default/style.css
    Look for this css

    links-actions {
    background: url(“../../../images/dot-2.gif”) repeat-x scroll center top #DDDDDD

    width: 245px;

    and set the height here, change the above to this

    links-actions {
    background: url(“../../../images/dot-2.gif”) repeat-x scroll center top #DDDDDD
    height: 20px;
    width: 245px;

    <blockquote> translate “1 OF 2” in “1 di 2” ?</blockquote>
    Open the file of templates/ja_teline_ivhtmlmod_janews_featureddefaultblog.php Look for this and make change as you wish
    [PHP]<?php echo JText::_(‘of’)?>[/PHP]

    I hope those changes help !

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Sherlock 12 years, 6 months ago.

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