<em>@skyhorse 72707 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hello,
I have just installed the quickstart package of JA Mesolite with Joomla 1.5.5 and Virtuemart 1.1.
And found that there’s no child image for the new added products. No products shown when clicking the pre-installed categories.
Pls see the link follow:
I even have the same problem with child image when trying to use Ja-larix
Pls see the link follow when I try to update my site from joomla 1.0.13 upto 1.5.5
Hope to have quick response from the moderator or any other responses would be highly appreciated.
T.Q. Hoai</blockquote>
Luckily, I found the ways to solve those problems.
In the database, find the jos_vm_product table –> [product_thumb_image] field, put “resized/” prefix in all records.
That’s all.