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  • Tracy Clark Friend

    I’m working locally using MAMP. I’m trying to set up JA Rave version 1.6. In the slideshow settings, there is no option to select ‘rave-slideshow’ under the profile setting and no setting for ‘rave’ under skin (according to backend settings here: http://static.joomlart.com/images/templates/J16/ja_rave/Backend_setttings.jpg).

    How do I get these styles?

    1. slideshow-setting
    Phill Moderator

    When using the Rave template you simply use the default style.

    Tracy Clark Friend

    Thanks for your help. I have the style set to default, but my descriptions do not show and I cannot get the nice button effect that you have on your demo. (See attachment) Can you point me to a guide? Thanks again!

    1. slideshow-example
    Phill Moderator

    Your best option would be to install a copy of the quickstart on your MAMP install too so you can compare settings as there are a lot of them.

    Have you set the module class suffix to _slideshow

    ezziemac Friend

    I had similar problems, and someone helped me with the settings so that it’s like the demo. I have 3 screenshots for the settings I used so that I had them saved in case it messed uop again. I have attached the 3 screenshots, but I still have the same problem as you that my descriptions aren’t showing up. I have apost going: ‘Can’t Find Slideshow .css” to help me with that.

    1. slideshow-settings-capture_1
    2. slideshow-settings-capture_2
    3. slideshow-settings-capture_3
    ezziemac Friend

    Adding to my response above: the setting shown in the capture are from before I added the descriptions and settings for them…so that’s not why my descriptions are not showing!

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ezziemac 13 years, 8 months ago.

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