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  • alissonrodrigo Friend

    Boa tarde,
    Pessoal estou tendo problemas em meu template. Uso o Joomla 1.5 + Purity II – Quando os usuários estão navegando as imagens randon do titulo (ja_purity_iiimagesheader) não funciona. apenas quando entro na página de ‘busca’ que elas vontam a funcionar.
    Alguem sabe como resolver?:confused:
    OBS: Desculpe pelo meu ingles.:-[

    aman204 Friend

    Can you please change the language to english which is clearly understood by us to help you 🙂

    alissonrodrigo Friend

    Good afternoon,
    Personal’m having problems in my template. Using Joomla 1.5 + Purity II – When users are browsing randon images of the title (ja_purity_ii images header) does not work. only when I enter the page ‘search’ it wills to work.
    Anyone know how to solve?
    Thank you.
    PS: Sorry for my english

    Saguaros Moderator

    you open the file: templatesja_purity_iilibsja.template.helper.php and find the following code:

    //use the directory class
    $imgs = dir($img_folder);

    //read all files from the directory, checks if are images and ads them to a list (see below how to display flash banners)
    while ($file = $imgs->read()) {
    if (eregi(“gif”, $file) || eregi(“jpg”, $file) || eregi(“png”, $file))
    $imglist[] = $file;

    $imglist = JFolder::files( $img_folder, (‘.jpg|png|gif’) );

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