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  • mikel2004 Friend


    Responsive option not work with Ja Teline IV T3 ?. Look the capture.

    This is the URL:

    And this is my old site with Ja Teline IV T2: http://veintiuno.czoom.co/documental/secciones/politica/4062-15m-excelente-revulsivo-importante-stephane-m-grueso


    1. not-responsive
    Manos Moderator


    I can see it working -> http://prntscr.com/2u34vg



    mikel2004 Friend

    Yes, you are right!
    I confuse the problem. The problem is with template width. In previous Ja Teline IV I had configuration option in Profile tab (Global settings). I had selected Template width: AUTO option. Where are this setting in the new Ja Teline IV T3?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    JA Teline IV template has versions for both T3 framework here, see this screenshot:

    <blockquote> In previous Ja Teline IV I had configuration option in Profile tab (Global settings)</blockquote>

    With T3v2 framework, you can set width from Profile tab.

    Meanwhile, your site is using the latest T3 framework version with many features upgrade (responsive and compatible JOOMLA latest version…). You can have a look at this userguide for more info.

    In the latest T3 framework, you can edit the width in the templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/less/variables.less file:

    // GRID
    // --------------------------------------------------

    // Default 940px grid
    // -------------------------
    @T3gridWidth: 980px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.
    @gridColumns: 12;
    @gridGutterWidth: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth: floor((@T3gridWidth - @gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 980px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth1200: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth1200: floor((@T3gridWidth1200 - @gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 980px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth980: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth980: floor((@T3gridWidth980 - @gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth980: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth980) + (@gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 740px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth768: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth768: floor((@T3gridWidth768 - @gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth768: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    Once done, click Compile LESS to CSS button from template admin.

    1. t3_version
    mikel2004 Friend

    I wish to use the Template with RESPONSIVE option and the Template width: AUTO option.

    Can you tell me what can I do? And what code I must write?


    <em>@Ninja Lead 412401 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    In the latest T3 framework, you can edit the width in the templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/less/variables.less file:

    Once done, click Compile LESS to CSS button from template admin.</blockquote>

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    The JA TelineIV with new T3 framework does not have the option ‘Templage width: AUTO’ as in TelineIV with old JAT3v2. This new template supports responsive layout, thus when you enable Responsive option for this template in backend > template manager > general tab (see screenshot below), the template width will automatically change adopting the screen resolution:

    If you want to change the width, you need is to change the width property in the file: templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/less/variables.less. Then when your website is displayed in different screen size, it will have appropriate width as you changed.

    1. responsive_layout
    mikel2004 Friend

    I have responsive option selected but the template width not change.

    And look the diference between this T3 site and my old T2 site where I have active the AUTO template width and looks good

    I wish that my site fills all the screen, If I need to change code to this… can you tell the new code that I must write?


    1. not-responsive
    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Did you know about width in variables.less file? you can see template width shows: 980px

    Open templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/less/variables.less file

    // GRID
    // --------------------------------------------------

    // Default 940px grid
    // -------------------------
    @T3gridWidth: 980px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.
    @gridColumns: 12;
    @gridGutterWidth: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth: floor((@T3gridWidth - @gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth) + (@gridGutterWidth * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 980px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth1200: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth1200: floor((@T3gridWidth1200 - @gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth1200: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth1200) + (@gridGutterWidth1200 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 980px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth980: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth980: floor((@T3gridWidth980 - @gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth980: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth980) + (@gridGutterWidth980 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 740px; // T3 add
    @gridGutterWidth768: 4px;
    @gridColumnWidth768: floor((@T3gridWidth768 - @gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1)) / @gridColumns);
    @gridRowWidth768: (@gridColumns * @gridColumnWidth768) + (@gridGutterWidth768 * (@gridColumns - 1));

    You can change them to

    @T3gridWidth: 1024px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.
    @T3gridWidth1200: 1200px;
    @T3gridWidth980: 980px; // T3 add

    I have tested on URL of your site: http://veintiuno.czoom.co/documental

    + Mobile layout

    + Portrait Layout

    + Large layout

    1. mobile_layou
    2. portrait_layou
    3. large_layout
    mikel2004 Friend

    The problem is with the Large layout, in fact. I would like to expand the template width to all the screen to Large loyout.
    I change your code with your instructions but nothing change.
    What can I do to expand the template width to all the screen?
    is not possible to set the width in AUTO mode to fit any screen resolution of a personal computer or laptop computer?

    I must add more screen resolution in variable.less file? (1366, 1360, 1280, 1024)? I must change the default size? How?


    Ninja Lead Moderator

    Please try to edit the templates/ja_teline_iv_t3/less/variables.less file:


    // Default 940px grid
    // -------------------------
    @T3gridWidth: 980px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 980px; // T3 add

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 980px; // T3 add

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 740px; // T3 add


    // Default 940px grid
    // -------------------------
    @T3gridWidth: 1366px; // T3 add. For non-responsive layout.

    // 1200px min
    @T3gridWidth1200: 1360px; // T3 add

    // 980px-1199px
    @T3gridWidth980: 1280px; // T3 add

    // T3 Add: 768px-979px
    @T3gridWidth768: 1024px; // T3 add

    Once done to click compile LESS to CSS button, see the screenshot:

    1. responsive_layout
    mikel2004 Friend

    Yes!! It´s PERFECT!!


    mikel2004 Friend

    Hi again!

    I’m upgrade the Ja teline IV template to 1.0.2 last version, and the screen size of the site are change again.
    I try to change the resolution in the less/variables.less file (and after that I Compile LESS to CSS, in Orange theme only, because I can´t complile LESS to CSS general, because an error message appear: “unsuspect error”) but nothing change!
    I’m a problem now? I must rollback the template to previous version?


    mikel2004 Friend

    Hi again!

    I’m upgrade the Ja teline IV template to 1.0.2 last version, and the screen size of the site are change again.
    I try to change the resolution in the less/variables.less file but nothing change!
    I’m a problem now? I must rollback the template to previous version?


    Saguaros Moderator

    After changing the less file, you need to compile less to css. Please follow the TIPS I mentioned in this thread to solve compiling less to css issue.

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