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  • impressme Friend

    This happens when I click the menu and close it without clicking any link in the menu when resolutions are above 1400px width:
    The bar closes but the templete stops behaving normaly. When user scrolls down scrolls the whole page instead of rolling only the right part.
    Also sometimes you see the left part go a little bit lower and white space appears at its possition.
    This gets a lot worse when using ajax ON. Almost nothing works and it conflicts with widget kit.
    This happens to all pages even without the custom css.
    Please see the attached imaged

    1. impressme-branding-joomlart-001
    2. impressme-branding-joomlart-002
    impressme Friend

    update: I managed to fix the > 1400px resolutions by doing this at custom.css

    /* test for fixing the joomlart bug(?) */
    @media (min-width: 1399px){
    .t3-header {
        position: fixed!important;
    .two-blocks-wrapper .t3-mainbody {
        position: relative!important;
        width: 100%;
    .t3-masthead.col-sm-12 {
        position: fixed!important;
        width: 50%!important;
        margin-top: 0px!important;
    .block-left.col-xs-12.col-lg-6 {
    /* test end */

    but i still have problem with the smaller ones. I am working on it but I would prefer your solution

    impressme Friend

    I think all are ok now except the fact that under < 1399px width when I click the three dots at upper right and scroll down the bar is disappearing. How can I fix that? It is ok if i click menu

    Saguaros Moderator


    As I can see that the behavior is the same with our demo site now, could you send me screen shot highlighting the bar you’re referring to?


    impressme Friend

    It is, but after a few css hacks, and ajax is not working correctly (enable it . Also it has serious conflict issues with widgetkit. It still has a problem with the resolutions under 1399px.
    Unfortunatly It cannot be shown at a screenshot.
    To replicate the problem go to http://impressv2.impressme.com.gr/ with your resolution under 1399, click the three dots at the upper right corner and click at the empty space at the center of your screen without selecting anything from the off canvas.
    Now scroll down. You will see that the t3 header (menu bar) stays on top of the page and disapears without reappearing as would normaly do.

    impressme Friend

    it looks like that was fixed with this css too.

    header#t3-header.t3-header.affix-top {
        margin-top: 0px!important;
    header#t3-header.t3-header.affix {
        margin-top: 0px!important;

    Now if only everything worked with ajax too, I would be very happy but it is not nessesery

    impressme Friend

    One more, now when I click the buttons to t3-header page goes back to top

    Saguaros Moderator

    Which button are you referring to? could you send me screenshot highlighting it?

    impressme Friend

    These buttons.

    1. samos
    Saguaros Moderator


    Did you customize on JS file? as I can see that whenever you click these buttons, it sets this property: top: 0px; into your site: http://prntscr.com/dzzqzl

    impressme Friend

    No we did not. But did you check the changes we did at css, above? Maybe it comes from these but without these it does not work correctly, with the problems I mentioned above.

    We have not touch any JS. Everything is done with the custom.css. With the exception of a module (see here https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/ja-mono-acm-module/#post-1002482)

    Saguaros Moderator

    Did you install any 3rd party extension into your site? Could you try to disable them first?

    impressme Friend

    OK, the problem is with System – Widgetkit. If I diable this all work ok.
    Can you two devs talk to each other to solve the compability problems between you two?
    Your ajax also makes widgetkit not to work too

    Saguaros Moderator

    Could you pls ask the developer of this extension not forcing the top value to 0? if we change in template, it may affect other users also.

    impressme Friend

    The widgetkit team is asking where in the code did you find that code.

    looks like it s in your template
    i need to know wherethat code is in widgetkit if you could ask them that would be great

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