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  • VisiGod Friend

    <em>@mj1256 87992 wrote:</em><blockquote>i knew he was right, i wanted JA to step up

    the quickstart does not have the right login mod for CB

    it does not have the forum integrated into cb, see my previous posts on this

    and as for the latest version, JA is right in not having that as its still unstable and a RC status. RC stands for Release Candidate, so it is still beta.

    JA, if you going to have a quickstart of a community site with CB, at least do the integration and install the right login mod.</blockquote>
    Let me purely disagree with you. As I am a developer of a very large extension (like CB), RC stands for a version that has all functions of the Stable and has no major bugs. Which makes the RC closer to a stable than to a Beta.
    And their current RC is much more stable than 1.1. “Stable”

    mj1256 Friend

    I use 1.0.15 because there is more functionality available for that series, and it extremely stable, where as 1.5.x still has bugs, pulls errors, has SEF issues and less functionality available, even the new version of CB is only a release candidate and still has issues. Most of the issues that come up here are not template related, they are joomla 1.5.x related. even half the components out there are only working in legacy mode.

    I do use 1.5.x for simple information sites, but as soon as you start stacking on the components, especially CB related plugins, the bugs of 1.5.x start compounding. There are many things i like about 1.5.x, and I will upgrade all of my sites when joomla gets to 2.0

    and, I will get paid to rebuild all of my clients sites in the next year when the 1.5.x series is finally stable

    now, respectfully, I can disagree, and I’m waiting for alpha

    and the original point was that JA created a community quickstart with out the prerequisite cb login module

    VisiGod Friend

    <em>@mj1256 88729 wrote:</em><blockquote>I use 1.0.15 because there is more functionality available for that series, and it extremely stable, where as 1.5.x still has bugs, pulls errors, has SEF issues and less functionality available, even the new version of CB is only a release candidate and still has issues. Most of the issues that come up here are not template related, they are joomla 1.5.x related. even half the components out there are only working in legacy mode.

    I do use 1.5.x for simple information sites, but as soon as you start stacking on the components, especially CB related plugins, the bugs of 1.5.x start compounding. There are many things i like about 1.5.x, and I will upgrade all of my sites when joomla gets to 2.0

    and, I will get paid to rebuild all of my clients sites in the next year when the 1.5.x series is finally stable

    now, respectfully, I can disagree, and I’m waiting for alpha

    and the original point was that JA created a community quickstart with out the prerequisite cb login module</blockquote>

    I respect your opinion, however absolutely disagree with it.
    And yes, the problem is that the functionality around the template and templating of the cb module is a … miss.
    Don’t want to blame anyone, but I just want to see one of these amazing templates JA makes to come JUST WORKING.

    malestorm Friend

    Yes – This is my issue too. What good is it for JA to release 2 templates per month when there obviously has not been a lot of real world testing of the templates. And it really bothers me that this thread could be posted for 1 week without a serious response from the moderator.
    .. Scott

    VisiGod Friend

    Well it becomes now the case again when they release two color variants of one and the same template counting these as two separate. So at the end we have one template, that is buggy/incomplete.

    Of course you can’t see this from the demo. So you need to join to see it 🙁

    mj1256 Friend

    VisiGod, i agree with your comment

    kurdapya Friend

    everything seems to be working ok now with the “registration redirect” plugin..with 4 to 5 test record… but i’m worried i might have problem in the is it advisable to use cb login atm while we waiting for any fix for Sanidine joomla login?

    malestorm Friend

    JA — Any status or response to this problem yet? Even though there is a work around this does not address the configuration problem of the quickstart.

    aerador Friend

    Wow, I just purchased a new membership to this site and I can believe the lack of support. I put in a premium email ticket and we’ll see what happens.

    I’m having issues all around with Joomla 1.5 + CB. After looking all over the net i’ve found a few places where people are having the same issues as I am and the developers around have said it a bug in Joomla 1.5 that’s giving people problems with CB. Even people who have been running CB and Joomla 1.5 for awhile all of a sudden don’t work after their hosts upgrade php or mysql.

    For me, the whole reason I purchased the subscription was for the Quickstart that went to this “Community Site”. The demo is beautiful and I can get my site to look and act just like the demo however just like the demo users can not login nor can they register after so many users have registered. I’m on my 7th install in 2 days of this thing and it’s the same everytime. I did 4 Quickstart installs and 3 fresh installs all with the same result.

    With the fresh installs I downloaded CB right from their site, fresh MySQL Database, Joomla 1.5, etc. And it’s the same results which got me looking around at other forums for a solution to which with hundreds of people having the same problem there still is no solution other than it’s a bug in Joomla 1.5s file id, or article id handling that’s causing it.

    Given this is not something JA can fix most likely however my issue is with them packaging a ready to go quickstart version of this when this combo of Joomla 1.5 + CB isn’t working correctly for so many other out there as it isn’t for me. I’m now 2 days behind schedule on this project and may have to get a refund and just look for another platform to use…

    I guess I ramble a bit but I thought you all should know about Joomla 1.5 + CB so you don’t waste days searching for a solution like I have.

    mj1256 Friend

    this is your first post and your complaining of lack of support.

    JA only offers support for the template and its issues, not for the joomla CMS and the 3rd party addons like CB, you need to go to the joomla forum and the CB forum (which also does not offer great support).

    What exactly are the issues you are having, their are many of us here who will help with issues when we have the time.

    <blockquote>With the fresh installs I downloaded CB right from their site, fresh MySQL Database, Joomla 1.5, etc. And it’s the same results</blockquote>

    if this is the case, it is probably not a JA issue, it sounds like you may have a host issue, or ainstallation/setup issue.

    who is your host
    what version of PHP do they have
    how experienced are you with joomla and the setup of CB

    I have many joomla/cb sites and they work great.

    as for the login issue posted here, there are two solutions, the redirect modual or just install the cb login mod to another position and disable the core login mod.

    aerador Friend

    Indeed it isn’t a JA Template problem. I was just a little steamed that the quickstart offers the CB component and it’s not working for me giving me the same problems as many many others out there. I’m on a crunched timetable here so I was thinking “a quickstart should make this easier!”

    My host is GoDaddy, PHP 5, MySQL 5. I’ve installed many many Joomla 1 and 1.5 sites plus many other platforms as well.

    Here’s the problem. I used the redirect plugin solution and it worked GREAT for about 5 registrations and then it took a dump on me and I was getting the error of “invalid tolken” same as the demo site on here gives me when I try to login to a test account I registered. Also it works when it wants to work which is SOMETIMES. The other problem i’m having is we’re getting an error that says something like “You must register or login to view or change your profile.” or something along the lines of that whenever people try to register or login.

    Now again i’m not the only one that’s having this problem. Many other all over are as well and it’s been narrowed down to a problem with Joomla 1.5, the SEF links, and the way Joomla 1.5 handles either category IDs or article IDs, I don’t quite remember. And just like the others I read having problems after a fresh install everything works but only for so long after you enable SEF in Joomla. If I didn’t need the SEF URLs then i’d be in good shape. I’ve looked into other SEF solutions for joomla but i’ve also read about those having problems with redirect and CB. May be time to try a Joomla 1.0 install…

    Please excuse my spelling. I’m pushing 48 hours with no sleep trying to get this thing working.

    malestorm Friend

    I have now tested the redirect with many new IDs and I am also the SEF problem you mention. Unfortunately it looks like using the CB_Login module is the only solution as I do not encounter the problem when using the proper login module for Community Builder.

    Which brings us back to the original problem that statred this thread – that the Sanadine template is not set up to use the correct login module. … and still no response from JA on this problem.

    mj1256 Friend

    well i installed cb rc3 on a fresh telene II 1.5.7 install (upgraded to 1.5.8), and although it has the same login issue on the top postions, i just unpublished the core login and added the cb login to a new position.

    I have no error or issues, everything is working, the only thing I needed to give up when moving away from 1.0.15 was the groupjive eventlist integration, so its all come a long way.

    aerador Friend

    My experience with Joomla has always been with 1.0 sites. This was my first site using 1.5 and with all the problems I had and the email I got from premium support was of little help so I ended up just scrapping it and going with another platform in which I was able to get a site up and running in a few hours fully completed. I was really hoping Joomla 1.5 would have gone smoother for me but oh well. Best of luck to those of you having issues.

    mj1256 Friend

    have you read my posts about godaddy, joomla does not run well at godaddy if your using the low or cheap level hosting service

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