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  • drago1147 Friend

    Hello Joomlart team,

    I just want to report something that has been appearing in my T3 for several versions now in succession and it persists in the newest 2.1.2 release.

    I have errors on in my php.ini on my local server.

    When accessing the t3 interface I get a notice for undefined variable. It has never caused me any issues but I guess at some point it might.

    Here is the notice:

    Notice: Undefined variable: list in /plugins/system/t3/base/html/mod_menu/default.php on line 23.

    I have no php knowledge but I can tell the difference between a notice and an error. In this case I believe it should be a simple fix. I assume just defining the mentioned variable.

    Hope you can fix this soon.

    Kind regards,


    chavan Friend

    Go to Administrator -> Global Configuration -> Server tab -> under server settings -> select none in Error Reporting dropdown. this will make the notice disappear.

    doorknob Friend

    Hi Drago,
    Although it is a good idea to suppress error reporting on a production site, not on a development site.
    A better idea is to fix the bug which is really simple.
    Just change the line of code from

    if (is_array($list)) :


    if (isset($list) && is_array($list)) :


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