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  • beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    So I was lookigover template with my wife…and she was like is that a nipple?…..lol and yes it was ..very hard to see..and Ive glaced over the photo tons of times and never noticed it.

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    its the the first pic on the right under the gallery…you can really see it when you double click to open it.. Im sure it was just an honest mistake..just thought it was funny and didnt want it to cause any future embarassment.

    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    LOL..anyone gonna fix this:p

    fredlight52 Friend

    Those are definitely nipples….but it’s done tastefully.

    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    LOL..yea..when u click the thumb ..lol..its full topless…..doesnt bother most people..JA just has never done that before..just not sure if they new about it.

    Hung Dinh Friend

    Hi beastmode54,

    Thanks for pointing it out, its such a embarrassment now…. we are replacing the image right now.

    May be coz she’s (in image) is lying down for over a year now, the clothes must have slipped down. We ll buy her some more clothes today.

    Thanks for notifying the mistake and we are onto it.


    Hung Dinh

    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    LOL..yea…like i said I wasnt offeneded or anytnig…..jujst wanted to amke sure no one esle was or cause any issues in the future.

    bennitos Friend

    oh no! it was the keypoint for me to use the template!! 😉

    beastmode54 JA JobBoard

    LOL…..yea I bet..j/k

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  beastmode54 14 years, 10 months ago.

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