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  • rvillela Friend


    On the above link, click on the image or the “Contact Advertiser” button.
    It is supposed to bring up a Modal Window, but instead fires off the following error:

    Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method ‘one’ – bootstrap.js:1013

    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ rvillela,

    This issue is due to the conflict of mod_bt_login with bootstrap.

    Please disable the module or replace with other extensions.

    rvillela Friend

    Thank you for the response. I did disable the module which did cause the error to go away, but apparently not the problem.
    The real problem is that my popups using data-toggle=”modal” are not working.
    They seem to work fine with templates like “obelisk” but not with Purity III. :((

    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ rvillela,

    Please disable the module first. I will check again.

    You can pm me your admin/ftp credentials, I will try to help.

    rvillela Friend

    BT Login module disabled and PM sent.
    Thanks for any help

    Wall Crasher Developer

    @ rvillela

    First, you can try to overwrite the contact template of com_jomclassifieds

    Find this line:

    <blockquote><div id=”jomclcontact” class=”modal fade hide in” style=”display: none;” aria-hidden=”false”></blockquote>

    => and edit as follows (remove ‘hide’ and ‘in’ class):

    <blockquote><div id=”jomclcontact” class=”modal fade” style=”display: block;” aria-hidden=”false”></blockquote>

    Also, the close button of the modal has been overwritten by
    this css http://www.bikingzone.us/cache/mod_pwebcontact/9d4bd04250d6831246e15519b0ac95cc.css

    <blockquote>, {
    background-image: none !important;

    Please remove this rule as well.

    rvillela Friend

    This is AWESOME!
    Removing the “hide” and “in” styles resolved my issue in MULTIPLE places! 😀
    Is this not standard T3 Bootstrap styles? This seemed to work fine with JA Obelisk.
    I guess what I am asking is if this should be resolved in Purity III or is this something the component should NOT be using for T3 Bootstrap?

    Thanks also for the icon issue.
    The module did have an option of loading Bootstrap Glyphicons. So once enabled, it works as expected.
    Thanks again!

    Wall Crasher Developer


    You can check the demo modal of bootstrap here. It should not contains ‘hide’, ‘in’ class.

    Purity III should work with the bootstrap modal.

    rvillela Friend

    Just FYI.
    When I removed the “in”, the modal popup did NOT work on my iPad or Android phone. When I added “in” back, it worked on both devices.
    So for sure “hide” is OUT, but it looks like “in” may be still need to be IN 🙂

    Thanks again for your help.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  rvillela 10 years, 10 months ago.

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