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  • elfa17 Friend

    Tried to solve the problem myself (didn’t want to bore somebody else) but failed. I’m trying to customize template for Russian language. The problem is with text in Flashnews module: first time or when being reload it shows header and text (news) correct (Russian header and Russian text) BUT only the first one. Next news load with the same header and “abracadabra” instead of Russian text. Next news – correct header and “abracadabra” in text area. When I put english texts – everything was Ok. With Russian – only first shown and headers (all of them).
    Here is the link to see what I’m talking about: http://new.astrey-design.ru/

    What I did already:
    1/ Change in index.php of template:
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=windows-1251″ />
    <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; <?php echo _ISO; ?>” />

    2/ Change in ja-newsflashloader.php:
    [PHP]$current_charset = isset($charset) ? $charset : “WINDOWS-1251”;[/PHP]

    Nothing happened at all :((
    Any help would be great.
    Thanks In Advance.

    mfcphil Friend

    Seems odd that the first one works ok! how many item do you have published….try and do a few more, just in case its only the one that plays up.
    you could do another five and they all work fine, you could then just delete the bad one

    elfa17 Friend

    <em>@mfcphil 36700 wrote:</em><blockquote>Seems odd that the first one works ok! how many item do you have published….try and do a few more, just in case its only the one that plays up.
    you could do another five and they all work fine, you could then just delete the bad one</blockquote>

    I have 3 items and the problem is that NOT the only one works good – the same item in next time shows bad too. When it is time to show the first item again – header is Ok and text is “abracadabra”. That what I’m trying to understand – WHY it is ok at firt time and than – not Ok at all? When I’m looking at the page trough index.txt file – I see this text in right way but it displays bad. So no matter how items I would have – they will show good first time and all the next time – bad. This problem is with non-English lang. only.

    elfa17 Friend

    Well, no ideas at all about the problem I have? :((

    elfa17 Friend

    2 weeks passed and no answer from support teem… Hello? Is there anybody who woyld hav any idea what to do with this problem? TIA

    psaingtong Friend

    I have same problem in Thai charater.
    I change this code:
    1.add “CHARSET=TIS-620” => “TIS-620” in array charset.
    2.chance line:
    $current_charset = isset($charset) ? $charset : “ISO8859-1”;
    $current_charset = isset($charset) ? $charset : “TIS-620”;
    3.change line:
    if ($current_charset == “UTF-8”) return $string;
    if ($current_charset == “TIS-620”) return $string;

    Now, I can use JA Newsflash in Thai charset.
    (my server default charset is TIS-620)

    elfa17 Friend

    Thank you, psaingtong.
    I looked at ja-newsflashloader.php file in module ja-newsflash and did what you sad (my charset is windows-1251) and it did help. I had no idea where to see and change charset in module, but now I do 🙂

    interclass Friend

    Hi, I have the same problem with the French language,
    Here is my code :

    [PHP] $current_charset = isset($charset) ? $charset : “UTF-8”;

    $my = $mainframe->getUser();
    $gid = intval( $my->gid );
    $db = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix );

    $query = “SELECT params FROM #__modules WHERE module = ‘mod_janewsflash’;”;
    $params = $database->loadResult();
    $params = new mosParameters ($params);

    function textprocess($string) {
    global $current_charset;
    if ($current_charset == “UTF-8”) return $string;[/PHP]

    Thank you for your help.

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