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  • ajushi Friend

    I’ve installed Teline on a fresh 1.0.15 installation and got JA-News working.

    When I click on the Category name, it displays the entries in a table format.
    My question is, how do I display it in a blog view format?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
    Thanks in advance! 🙂

    ajushi Friend

    I got it, the new version of ja-news(1.2.1) has this feature but I tried installing it on the Teline template but I’m getting a

    Fatal error: Class 'JFactory' not found in C:xampphtdocstelinemodulesja_newshelper.php on line 233


    Is there a way to use this feature on Teline or a way to use the new version of ja-news on Teline?

    Thanks in advance! 🙂

    Michael Casha Friend

    Hi Mate,

    How did you manage to install Teline when you are not licensed. Topic CLOSED and warning added to your account. [+]

Viewing 3 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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