Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)
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  • toddman Friend

    I would just be happy with a complete user guild! I shouldn’t have to ask what the logo settings, what sufix’s are used, changing JA default date/time & layout.

    Display current template version # with change log, so you know what you are getting.

    I’m using JA Opal which is fairly new release & the support/guide is lacking!

    cgc0202 Friend

    Not really Scotty. I know you know your scripts and software programming much much better than I do. I do not have any background at all. But I hope I am not as stupid as you portray me to be. That is rather very insulting.

    Are you telling me that just adding modular extensions to the original Teline was how Joomlart got Teline II?

    Have you tried what I requested of you — if you can do them with the existing Teline II? Otherwise, we are just two people looking at the same issue but coming from different angles and perhaps having different purpose for the same item, in this case templates.

    Obviously, it will require changes of the parts (extensions in your analogy), just like Apple had to change the parts (in your analogy, extension) of its iPhone, even the basic board if it had to to create to create the succeeding iPhone upgrades.

    If you believe in your analogy, then every iPhone wannabee clones, if they use the same parts (extensions to your analogy) must be as good as the iPhone. But, we all know it is not. No one has yet been able to make an iPhone killer because they do not pay attention to details like Apple does.

    For the same reason, that’s what differentiates templates too from different companies, even if they start with exactly the same extensions. Both Joomalrt and GavickPRO for example use News extensions — but the way Gavick approached their News modules is different from Joomlart, basically they have multiple News modules each with its own script,

    In theory, GavickPRO should be able to create a news-magazine template starting from its news template, but it could not. The main guy there is mainly a webdesigner not a programmer. To my knowledge, they still do not have a news-magazine template because it is not easy to create. It is not as you claim, simply moving or positioning extensions around a template core.

    I don’t buy the argument that Joomlart or any template should or would stop innovating simply because a new Joomla version is along the way. Who knows when it will come. Joomla has been talking about Joomla 1.5.x for years. After more than two years of stable version, it is still not perfect, and will never be perfect.

    Technology changes never stop. You deal with what you have now, and see what you can get away with it.

    But let’s not discuss the nuances of Teline II, templates and JA News here, or what an extensions mean. Otherwise, the discussion of Teline II or whether an upgrade is needed will drown the purpose of this thread.

    Can you please show me your own site, how you use Teline II? And, I do not mean a demo. It might be that for the purposes you use templates, the existing Teline II will be good enough. I get a feeling most here are.

    It is even possible that what I wanted may not be doable with Joomla. I just have not found the proper software (either to buy or whatever) for my needs. If you know any other webpage software, that can mimic everything that New York Times, and information rich journals could do, please let me know. I am willing to leave Joomla, if need be.


    <em>@scotty 140059 wrote:</em><blockquote>Cornelio from reading your post above you definitely seem to be confusing templates and extensions.

    Teline is a template. Ja_News is an extension. I think it’s a more advanced Ja News you are looking for rather than an upgrade to Teline 2.

    The ability to have articles assigned to multiple categories has nothing, or could have nothing, to do with the template. This calls for much database work and and manipulation of the Joomla core via a component and goes way beyond what index.php is for.

    A template simply tells Joomla that position A is here and to get the CSS from over here. Position B is here and get it’s CSS from over here, and so on… . It can’t control how articles are saved or how catogories and sections are controlled. Teline 3 (the template) will just be an update to the module positions and their styling. Maybe with some fancy Javascript thrown in.

    To achieve what you wish to achieve will take a major overhaul of JA News. Something I doubt JA are willing to do, or anyone else, with Joomla 1.6 only around the corner.</blockquote>

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 140019 wrote:</em><blockquote>Well, for others of us, the Development Team might create something very cool that many of us will wnat to use. Many people loved Teline II – which could be argued was a revamp of Teline II. Nevertheless, it didn’t stop many from joining FOR Teline II. Why are you so quick to condemn something you haven’t even seen yet?

    I, for one, would welcome an updated and new feature rich Teline III . . . in fact, there is an existing thread targeted for ideas for just that.</blockquote>

    What in the world is so special about Teline II that some of you talk about all the time??? It’s not attractive at all and I KNOW a template is just a STARTING POINT but that template is not that special, at all.

    What am I missing that you see?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 140070 wrote:</em><blockquote>What in the world is so special about Teline II that some of you talk about all the time??? It’s not attractive at all and I KNOW a template is just a STARTING POINT but that template is not that special, at all.

    What am I missing that you see?</blockquote>

    That my dear is what makes the world very interesting, The power of diversity, including our taste. Imagine if the whole world has your taste or sense of aesthetics, or shudder, mine for example?

    Thus, if you do not get it, why it is so popular, it is likely you will not get it at all — no matter what others will tell you.

    For example, some like Apple products, and others are die-hard Windows users. Many waste their time hating each other or trying to convince the other why their choice is better. Try not to fall in to that trap.

    I don’t want to borrow that famous retort from “Gone with the Wind”.:)


    scotty Friend

    thatcomputerdude;140070What in the world is so special about Teline II that some of you talk about all the time??? It’s not attractive at all and I KNOW a template is just a STARTING POINT but that template is not that special, at all.

    What am I missing that you see?

    Teline is a very specific genre of template. It’s ‘newspaper’ style is used by news sites all over the world. For example…

    This is why it is so popular. Teline does a better job of achieving this look than any other Joomla template (by any club).

    Cornelio I am sorry if you feel insulted by my post. I can assure you that was not my intention. I am merely trying to explain to you that an upgrade to the Teline 2 template will not introduce the functions you are seeking.

    All joomla templates (index.php’s) have the following line…

    <jdoc:include type=”component” />

    This line tells Joomla where the main body of your site is (the part where the articles are shown). Your template can not control what goes in the component area only where the area is. Only a complete revamp of JA News or a totally new component altogether can do that. Sorry, but those are the facts.

    You might find this site of interest? Some of the live sites are quiet impressive.

    thatcomputerdude Friend

    <em>@scotty 140086 wrote:</em><blockquote>Teline is a very specific genre of template. It’s ‘newspaper’ style is used by news sites all over the world. For example…

    This is why it is so popular. Teline does a better job of achieving this look than any other Joomla template (by any club).

    Cornelio I am sorry if you feel insulted by my post. I can assure you that was not my intention. I am merely trying to explain to you that an upgrade to the Teline 2 template will not introduce the functions you are seeking.

    All joomla templates (index.php’s) have the following line…

    <jdoc:include type=”component” />

    This line tells Joomla where the main body of your site is (the part where the articles are shown). Your template can not control what goes in the component area only where the area is. Only a complete revamp of JA News or a totally new component altogether can do that. Sorry, but those are the facts.

    You might find this site of interest? Some of the live sites are quiet impressive.</blockquote>

    I’ve done a few “newspaper” and goverment type sites and other club templates worked much better.

    That’s just my personal opinion – I never could understand the talk about Teline so I thought I’d ask to get some feedback.

    Thanks for providing your thoughts, much appreciated.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Thanks Scotty,

    I am just frustrated with all the problems with Joomla right now.

    is used by news sites all over the world. For example…

    <em>@scotty 140086 wrote:</em><blockquote>


    Do you think they use in-house software? Or, is it possible to retrieve the potential source, if commercial software?

    <em>@scotty 140086 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Cornelio I am sorry if you feel insulted by my post. I can assure you that was not my intention. I am merely trying to explain to you that an upgrade to the Teline 2 template will not introduce the functions you are seeking.

    All joomla templates (index.php’s) have the following line…
    <jdoc:include type=”component” />

    This line tells Joomla where the main body of your site is (the part where the articles are shown). Your template can not control what goes in the component area only where the area is. Only a complete revamp of JA News or a totally new component altogether can do that. Sorry, but those are the facts. </blockquote>

    Supposedly, iJoomla has found a way to include some of the stuff I cited above based from their Demo. They use both a template and the Joomla then superimpose their scripts. How they do it exactly, I do not know.

    I just lost enthusiasm with iJoomla, merav specifically, because she promised she will do stuff, but not followed up. The manual is not very clear. Plus, they are so controlling on how it is installed.

    As you stated, it may require a revamp in the scripts.And, I know that what I have been asking for since 2007 will require scripts modifications. It is doable, based on iJoomla scripts. That is what I am expecting from Joomlart. Maybe Joomlart will created these scripts, maybe they won’t.

    I am not interested with “whistles and bells” improvements of Teline II, like addition of slide shows — old technology, and also not used in many newspapers because it slows the page.

    I have registered all my sites already If they don’t, I really do not need a Developer license. I will revert back to “regular license” membership the following year.

    <em>@scotty 140086 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    You might find this site of interest? Some of the live sites are quiet impressive.</blockquote>

    I looked briefly at some of the Demos. As you can see, just like in the iJoomla, some of the features I am asking for are demonstrated in some of the Demo magazine templates. But, what I want is an integration of news and magazine features:) That’s what merav promised me she will do.

    Are you at all familiar with the company who are doing this? Or have you dealt with them? I will explore them if Joomlart will not come up with a much better news-magazine template this year.

    For now, some of the things I do, the existing Teline II is good enough, but not for the big sites I wanted to create eventually.

    Do you know how to “retrieve” the source of the software, even if it is not displayed? I encountered a science news-magazine before that closely resembles what I wanted, I wrote to the editor inquiring where they got to template but he did not respond.


    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@thatcomputerdude 140095 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’ve done a few “newspaper” and goverment type sites and other club templates worked much better.

    That’s just my personal opinion – I never could understand the talk about Teline so I thought I’d ask to get some feedback.

    Thanks for providing your thoughts, much appreciated.</blockquote>

    Hi thatcomputerdude,’

    Since you are likely more experienced in the creation of websites, may you please share the link of the template companies that you used. It does not even have to be Joomla. Provided they have the features I want, like commercial papers, e.g., New York Times, or scientific journals, like Science, I have open eyes to alternatives.

    I am more interested with features and capabilities, not the layout design, such as

    1. multiple linking of articles in different sections, categories,
    2. year issue archival
    3. manual editing to order articles in each section, category
    4. etc.


    instantinlaw Friend

    Save yourself some money and don’t buy ijoomla magazine, it’s full of bugs, and doesn’t work with sh404def, + support questions/criticisim in the forum is promptly deleted without explination.

    The no questions asked money back guarantee is met with questions and feet dragging.

    And due to the fact that they (ijoomla) were removed from the JED for unscruplious tactics, and long before the JED stopped accepting non gpl extensions, I’d have to say that the poor support will only get worse, and the company will fail, then you’ll be left with out dated broken software that you won’t be able to use (if you could to begin with).

    Try Jxtended magazine instead. Joomla will be including some of it’s features into 1.6.

    But enough ranting 😉

    cgc0202 Friend

    Hi instantinlaw,

    Did you (or anyone) have any experience using any of the jExtended templates? What features does it have that will be included in Joomla 1.6. If they do, I might buy it anyway — to experiment and as an addition to Teline II.

    When I read response via my email, I was supposed to post I will give Joomlart a few months. What a surprise to read just now that Teline III is about to come out. I hope it includes the more evolutionary features of the Jxtended templates.

    I have never gotten a chance to use the iJoomla News or Magazine softwares — even if I bought one of them. I like the concept and features outlined but not the software. When I read it and tried to implement it, the first thing I told merav (the owner) is that it is too cumbersome to use. I wanted her also to combine the features of the iJoomla News and iJoomla Magazine because that is how actual commercial online papers actually are.

    The good thing about my buying one of the iJoomla softwares, Magazine, is that it was merav who pointed me to Joomlart original Teline when I outlined to her what I expected of a news-magazine template.

    In fact, among my first posts here in the forum is what I expected to happen to the original Teline. Eight months later, Joomlart came up with Teline II which included some of the features (not all) I wanted.


    <em>@instantinlaw 140933 wrote:</em><blockquote>Save yourself some money and don’t buy ijoomla magazine, it’s full of bugs, and doesn’t work with sh404def, + support questions/criticisim in the forum is promptly deleted without explination.

    The no questions asked money back guarantee is met with questions and feet dragging.

    And due to the fact that they (ijoomla) were removed from the JED for unscruplious tactics, and long before the JED stopped accepting non gpl extensions, I’d have to say that the poor support will only get worse, and the company will fail, then you’ll be left with out dated broken software that you won’t be able to use (if you could to begin with).

    Try Jxtended magazine instead. Joomla will be including some of it’s features into 1.6.

    But enough ranting ;)</blockquote>

    instantinlaw Friend

    Yes cgc0202,
    My main client/employer uses jxtended magazine and I have done some work with it. I however haven’t had a lot of experience with it. I do think it can do what you want though. You can find it in the JED.
    I read that nesting catagories/sections will be one of the things 1.6 will be including from jextended, as well as not having to tie a category to a section?, but I am not 100% sure on this as the post was made on Joomla quite a few months ago.
    I think jextended let’s you also assign an article to 2 or more sections/catagories, etc. Which is more of what I think you are looking for.
    If you think ijoomla magazine was complicated though, jextended is 100 times more complicated and will have a steep learning curve.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@instantinlaw 141044 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes cgc0202,
    My main client/employer uses jxtended magazine and I have done some work with it. I however haven’t had a lot of experience with it. I do think it can do what you want though. You can find it in the JED.
    I read that nesting catagories/sections will be one of the things 1.6 will be including from jextended, as well as not having to tie a category to a section?, but I am not 100% sure on this as the post was made on Joomla quite a few months ago.
    I think jextended let’s you also assign an article to 2 or more sections/catagories, etc. Which is more of what I think you are looking for.
    If you think ijoomla magazine was complicated though, jextended is 100 times more complicated and will have a steep learning curve.</blockquote>

    Thanks for the added info instantinlaw. Those are powerful features I will definitely look into it. If it has what I want, Iwill take the time to learn it.

    Any heads up on their cost and licensing? I assume they have a forum also.

    I do not mind having both the Teline III and this one. Most of what I do may work with the existing Teline II already.


    instantinlaw Friend

    cgc0202;141054Thanks for the added info instantinlaw. Those are powerful features I will definitely look into it. If it has what I want, Iwill take the time to learn it.

    Any heads up on their cost and licensing? I assume they have a forum also.

    I do not mind having both the Teline III and this one. Most of what I do may work with the existing Teline II already.


    Price $70.00

    No forum

    From the jxtended site:

    These few examples show how Magazine can handle very diverse situations – not just traditional magazine sites. Coupled with Joomla!’s layout override system, there are virtually no limits to what you can achieve.


    A publication could be the name of a magazine or the name of a blog, or simply a container for a group of articles.
    Magazine supports an unlimited number of publications.
    Each publication can define a unique set of custom fields that can be used in its articles, and a publication can also have unique sections.


    Issues are an optional feature in Magazine. You use issues in much the same way as you would in a printed magazine, being able to group articles on a calendar basis or a theme, or whatever suits your site. Each issue can utilize a variety of nomenclature formats, including number, volume, year and much more.

    Sections & Categories

    Sections in Magazine are similar to Joomla!’s native sections used for articles, but differ in many ways. Sections are generally used to divide your issues into discrete areas, much like a printed magazine would have common areas (for example, “Features”, “Workshop”, and so on). Sections can also be used in lifestyle-style sites to group like content (for example “Health”, “Home”, “Garden” and so on).
    Like sections, categories are also similar to Joomla!’s native category system; however, there are some significant differences. Magazine’s categories are not tied to a section, and can be formed into multi-level trees. You can define a set of categories for articles and another for authors, and these are global for the whole site. Combining the two enables you to produce specific “author columns”. Articles and authors can be mapped to any number of categories, or none at all.
    It might be helpful to think of sections as vertical silos into which articles for a particular publication are placed. Categories, then, can be thought of as a horizontal divider that cuts across all the vertical sections regardless of publication. Categories are somewhat similar to tagging systems seen on many blog and social bookmarking sites.


    Articles are very similar to Joomla!’s native article system but with many additional features. Articles can be placed in a single publication section, but can be mapped to any number of categories.
    The ability to create sidebars is also built in to Magazine by default, by allowing you to specify sub-articles.


    Magazine provides its own support for authors, which can also be linked to a Joomla! user and/or a Joomla! contact. Authors can be related to article categories to allow many cross-linkages to be established (such as author columns).


    Magazine comes prepared to support mapping out of the box by integrating with Google Maps. Geo-referencing information can be provided for categories, articles and authors. Maps can also be generated with points for all articles within a category.

    Media Support

    Each of the major types of content – publications, issues, articles, authors, and sections or categories – support a rich media definition. That means you can define four handles used for images (thumb, small, medium, large) that can be used for any purpose you desire. For example, they can be the same image where the thumb is used in a category listing and the small or medium image is used in the article view, or they can be different images to suit the way you want to work your content. In addition to these preset handles, there is also the ability to specify a gallery folder that can integrate with the Mootools litebox included with Magazine.


    Each of the major types of content support a sub-title field.

    Splash Pages

    Splash Pages give you the ability to customize landing pages on your site. Rather than building complicated logic into your site template, you can attach Splash Pages to menu items and show different module layouts, or even just plain HTML, where your component would display.

    Template Overrides

    The layouts provided with Magazine are just the start. With Joomla! 1.5’s overlay system, you can provide a custom transformation of Magazine limited only by your imagination.

    What sets Magazine apart from the pack?

    Magazine is built from the ground up. Unlike competing Joomla! magazine products, it does not rely on storing information in the Joomla! article system. This allows us to maintain a much higher pace for the introduction of new features.
    Magazine gives you a great deal of flexibility by decoupling the section and category system traditionally found in Joomla!, as well as giving you the ability to nest categories and map multiple articles to them.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@instantinlaw 141055 wrote:</em><blockquote>[

    What sets Magazine apart from the pack?

    Magazine is built from the ground up. Unlike competing Joomla! magazine products, it does not rely on storing information in the Joomla! article system. This allows us to maintain a much higher pace for the introduction of new features.
    Magazine gives you a great deal of flexibility by decoupling the section and category system traditionally found in Joomla!, as well as giving you the ability to nest categories and map multiple articles to them.</blockquote>

    Hi instantinlaw,

    That is what I have been trying to tell people. It is a misnomer to just call the template a magazine or news-magazine. It is more an efficient way of any presenting articles and other features in an information rich site.

    I did not include this in my list. I was trying to make a work around it. Like an extension that I read about before.

    This is an issue I have been grappling with Joomla for a long time. Since I like to use hyperlinking, if I decide to move an article to another category or section, the original URL no longer works based on existing Joomla scripts, so all my old links will not be working anymore.

    This is true also for the links of sections and categories.

    I hope this is one of the features that will be addressed in Joomla 1.6. And, I do hope Joomlart has been looking at what others have been doing to know about this issue.


    <em>@instantinlaw 141055 wrote:</em><blockquote>Price $70.00

    From the jxtended site:

    These few examples show how Magazine can handle very diverse situations – not just traditional magazine sites. Coupled with Joomla!’s layout override system, there are virtually no limits to what you can achieve.


    A publication could be the name of a magazine or the name of a blog, or simply a container for a group of articles.
    Magazine supports an unlimited number of publications.
    Each publication can define a unique set of custom fields that can be used in its articles, and a publication can also have unique sections.


    Issues are an optional feature in Magazine. You use issues in much the same way as you would in a printed magazine, being able to group articles on a calendar basis or a theme, or whatever suits your site. Each issue can utilize a variety of nomenclature formats, including number, volume, year and much more.

    Sections & Categories

    Sections in Magazine are similar to Joomla!’s native sections used for articles, but differ in many ways. Sections are generally used to divide your issues into discrete areas, much like a printed magazine would have common areas (for example, “Features”, “Workshop”, and so on). Sections can also be used in lifestyle-style sites to group like content (for example “Health”, “Home”, “Garden” and so on).
    Like sections, categories are also similar to Joomla!’s native category system; however, there are some significant differences. Magazine’s categories are not tied to a section, and can be formed into multi-level trees. You can define a set of categories for articles and another for authors, and these are global for the whole site. Combining the two enables you to produce specific “author columns”. Articles and authors can be mapped to any number of categories, or none at all.
    It might be helpful to think of sections as vertical silos into which articles for a particular publication are placed. Categories, then, can be thought of as a horizontal divider that cuts across all the vertical sections regardless of publication. Categories are somewhat similar to tagging systems seen on many blog and social bookmarking sites.


    Articles are very similar to Joomla!’s native article system but with many additional features. Articles can be placed in a single publication section, but can be mapped to any number of categories.
    The ability to create sidebars is also built in to Magazine by default, by allowing you to specify sub-articles.


    Magazine provides its own support for authors, which can also be linked to a Joomla! user and/or a Joomla! contact. Authors can be related to article categories to allow many cross-linkages to be established (such as author columns).


    Magazine comes prepared to support mapping out of the box by integrating with Google Maps. Geo-referencing information can be provided for categories, articles and authors. Maps can also be generated with points for all articles within a category.

    Media Support

    Each of the major types of content – publications, issues, articles, authors, and sections or categories – support a rich media definition. That means you can define four handles used for images (thumb, small, medium, large) that can be used for any purpose you desire. For example, they can be the same image where the thumb is used in a category listing and the small or medium image is used in the article view, or they can be different images to suit the way you want to work your content. In addition to these preset handles, there is also the ability to specify a gallery folder that can integrate with the Mootools litebox included with Magazine.


    Each of the major types of content support a sub-title field.

    Splash Pages

    Splash Pages give you the ability to customize landing pages on your site. Rather than building complicated logic into your site template, you can attach Splash Pages to menu items and show different module layouts, or even just plain HTML, where your component would display.

    Template Overrides

    The layouts provided with Magazine are just the start. With Joomla! 1.5’s overlay system, you can provide a custom transformation of Magazine limited only by your imagination.

    What sets Magazine apart from the pack?

    Magazine is built from the ground up. Unlike competing Joomla! magazine products, it does not rely on storing information in the Joomla! article system. This allows us to maintain a much higher pace for the introduction of new features.
    Magazine gives you a great deal of flexibility by decoupling the section and category system traditionally found in Joomla!, as well as giving you the ability to nest categories and map multiple articles to them.</blockquote>

    So is this $70 per domain? It is one of the reasons why I would have had limited use of the iJoomla even if it worked for me.

    I wish they hire better webdesigners though.:)

    instantinlaw Friend

    cgc0202;141058Hi instantinlaw,

    That is what I have been trying to tell people. It is a misnomer to just call the template a magazine or news-magazine. It is more an efficient way of any presenting articles and other features in an information rich site.

    I did not include this in my list. I was trying to make a work around it. Like an extension that I read about before.

    This is an issue I have been grappling with Joomla for a long time. Since I like to use hyperlinking, if I decide to move an article to another category or section, the original URL no longer works based on existing Joomla scripts, so all my old links will not be working anymore.

    This is true also for the links of sections and categories.

    I hope this is one of the features that will be addressed in Joomla 1.6. And, I do hope Joomlart has been looking at what others have been doing to know about this issue.


    So is this $70 per domain? It is one of the reasons why I would have had limited use of the iJoomla even if it worked for me.

    I wish they hire better webdesigners though.:)

    Actually the owner of jxtended magazine is one of the core developers of Joomla, and this ought to make you very happy. Here is the license for the software:

    How many times can I install your products?

    You may install our products as many times as you like on any number of sites. There is no restriction. Even if you are using a subscription product, you may still continue to use it indefinitely on any site.:)

    The only thing that might be a problem for some is that when using sh404sef url’s go from this:
    to this

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 35 total)

This topic contains 35 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 15 years, 2 months ago.

We moved to new unified forum. Please post all new support queries in our New Forum