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  • TomC Moderator

    With JA’s most recent (as of this posting, soon-to-be-released) venture into the social networking arena via the use of a third party component, I would like to make a suggestion for some further “function specific” future template ideas – first and foremost, an ONLINE AUCTION SITE theme.

    I know there are at least one or two Joomla compatible auction components out there – as well as several third party php applications. Something like this could be a very exciting (and lucrative) addition of many sites – not even just ecommerce only sites.

    Just a suggestion for future consideration.


    theprofessor Friend

    This is a really great idea.

    Heck…I have business ideas running through my head now! :p

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 128834 wrote:</em><blockquote> (and lucrative) </blockquote>:DI see you haven’t lost your humor since joining JA… Those auction sites are low runners with more costs then income, unless you are not one of the big ones with no joomla components or some very local local local one, it is a nice joke…:D

    TomC Moderator

    wooohanetworks;130909:DI see you haven’t lost your humor since joining JA… Those auction sites are low runners with more costs then income, unless you are not one of the big ones with no joomla components or some very local local local one, it is a nice joke…:D

    My my my … the glass is always half empty with you, isn’t it?

    How do you figure that an online auction element/component to a particular site translates into additional costs? What would be wrong with having the additional offering available to one’s customer base as a resource for them to find, but and/or sell particular niche products?

    mfcphil Friend

    Do you have a new project coming up Tom? or is this just an idea for the future.

    TomC Moderator

    mfcphil;131167Do you have a new project coming up Tom? or is this just an idea for the future.

    Just an idea for the future


    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 130910 wrote:</em><blockquote>My my my … the glass is always half empty with you, isn’t it?

    How do you figure that an online auction element/component to a particular site translates into additional costs? What would be wrong with having the additional offering available to one’s customer base as a resource for them to find, but and/or sell particular niche products?</blockquote>

    I agree with you. It doesn’t have to be the sole basis of generating sales on your website, but any options to give your customers an advantage always helps.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 130910 wrote:</em><blockquote>My my my … the glass is always half empty with you, isn’t it?

    How do you figure that an online auction element/component to a particular site translates into additional costs? What would be wrong with having the additional offering available to one’s customer base as a resource for them to find, but and/or sell particular niche products?</blockquote>

    Where have you “copied and pasted” this phrase, from an online auction turnkey system site? It is same as the other members “business ideas running through his mind”… Do not make a false step and do not think others like me have not already put a deeper look into such “lucrative ideas”.

    They make no sense and only can be “service” to existing customers, like “giving additional service where we do just give this service but we do not expect income to be generated from it but service”…

    Yet, you can try, set up an auction site, offer listings for free or no one will use it, place some adsense ad, maybe after a few month, your 199$ investments or even 399$ when you use PHPPROBID may pay off. But really making big bucks, sorry, realistically is this only possible when you go into niches, like erotics or certain other fetishes, but also in any niche you may not ultimately prosper as you wish to or there would be far more auction sites like eBay than today.

    BTW, the glass is always half full when I see a realistic idea and venture, half empty it is as soon the venture looks to me like GM in the news these days..;) You really talk with “phrases”, have you ever thought about that those were also invented by some clever marketin guy, who tried to find people that see gain where there is none but still try it. One should never just give it a try but do it or let it be, no way around and I am speaking out of experience with this.

    theprofessor Friend

    <em>@wooohanetworks 131271 wrote:</em><blockquote>Where have you “copied and pasted” this phrase, from an online auction turnkey system site? It is same as the other members “business ideas running through his mind”… Do not make a false step and do not think others like me have not already put a deeper look into such “lucrative ideas”.

    They make no sense and only can be “service” to existing customers, like “giving additional service where we do just give this service but we do not expect income to be generated from it but service”…

    Yet, you can try, set up an auction site, offer listings for free or no one will use it, place some adsense ad, maybe after a few month, your 199$ investments or even 399$ when you use PHPPROBID may pay off. But really making big bucks, sorry, realistically is this only possible when you go into niches, like erotics or certain other fetishes, but also in any niche you may not ultimately prosper as you wish to or there would be far more auction sites like eBay than today.

    BTW, the glass is always half full when I see a realistic idea and venture, half empty it is as soon the venture looks to me like GM in the news these days..;) You really talk with “phrases”, have you ever thought about that those were also invented by some clever marketin guy, who tried to find people that see gain where there is none but still try it. One should never just give it a try but do it or let it be, no way around and I am speaking out of experience with this.</blockquote>

    Hey. I respect that you are “speaking out of experience” and I am listening to what you are saying. It is of your experience that an online auction website is not profitable.

    Fair enough.

    But you are assuming that the “business ideas running through my head” are to start up a website that runs soley an online auction. You are also assuming that is what the original poster is wanting as well.

    I think it’s been stated a few times that it is envisioned to be a part of a whole. A section of a website but not a main feature.

    Whether or not it works is all about selling anyways. Any jackass can build a website, but not any jackass is a good business person.

    I would agree that it would be very difficult to make an online auction system profitable.

    But what if it weren’t for profit? What if it were just as a place on your website for users to buy/sell used equipment…on a site where you are selling your own related products?

    I can think of several companies that often have customers ask if they “buy used equipment” or “trade used equipment towards purchase of new equipment”.

    If the answer can be “NO, but what we suggest is to put your used equipment on our online auction and you will be targeting a customer base of people who are looking for your product”…then i can see how that could be a valuable tool to a company when trying to attract visitors to their website to buy products they sell.

    If you think outside the box a little, it can make some sense and have some use.

    Ultimately I agree with you — running soley an online auction would likely require you to become the biggest online auction site on the internet. Anyone have a spare million bucks sitting around? lol

    TomC Moderator

    Tell you what, woohan . . . you can continue to outright shun the ideas you don’t think you can deal with, and myself and others will continue to take a more optimistic/creative approach to taking ideas and seeing if we can make them work.

    I never said that it would be a “big bucks” venture or even one that I believe I could quit my day job and make a full-time living off of. I merely suggested that it could be a possible supplementary option/offering to either offer another enticing offer for potential customers and/or as a way for some supplementary revenue to an existing ecommerce store/site.

    Dang, bro . . . what’s with all the negativity?


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