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  • dnx Friend

    How is the target set to _blank so that links open in a new window?

    pavit Moderator

    How is the target set to _blank so that links open in a new window?


    To which block are you referring specifically ?

    dnx Friend

    Footer 5.1 – I want the link in the footer to open in a new window e.g.:

    Copyright © 2017 by Company Name.

    pavit Moderator


    You cannot add a _blank target on a text type item , you have to select link type and then edit it to add the _blank target on it.


    1. Screenshot-at-mag-18-22-38-26
    dnx Friend

    That’s a limitation, as it appears that I’m unable to have an inline link open in a new window. The solution you suggested deletes the text "Copyright © 2017 by Company Name." and inserts:

    <ul class="nav navbar-nav " data-jub-lid="_2574"><li data-jub-iid="_2575" data-jub-idx="0" class=" ">
    <a class=" " href="#" title="Link" data-jub-props="_2576|_2575"><span data-jub-editor="text" data-jub-id="t-title_2575" data-placeholder="Text" data-jub-fid="_2575" data-jub-ffield="title" contenteditable="true">Link
    <li data-jub-iid="_2577" data-jub-idx="1" class=" ">
    <a class=" " href="#" title="Link" data-jub-props="_2578|_2577"><span data-jub-editor="text" data-jub-id="t-title_2577" data-placeholder="Text" data-jub-fid="_2577" data-jub-ffield="title" contenteditable="true">Link
    <li data-jub-iid="_2579" data-jub-idx="2" class="jub-active">
    <a class=" " href="#" title="Link" data-jub-props="_2580|_2579"><span data-jub-editor="text" data-jub-id="t-title_2579" data-placeholder="Text" data-jub-fid="_2579" data-jub-ffield="title" contenteditable="true">Link

    Is there a way to add a Joomla content block to the JA Builder template?

    pavit Moderator

    Is there a way to add a Joomla content block to the JA Builder template?

    You have already the content block available as you can see from image below.

    1. Screenshot-at-mag-19-07-21-21
    dnx Friend
    This reply has been marked as private.
    pavit Moderator


    Unfortunately it is not yet possible , there are also other topics about this question as you can see HERE and since it is a common request, development team could update and introduce this feature in the next release.

    Best regards

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 7 years, 7 months ago.

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