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  • sfpkent Friend


    I really needs some advice from you guys. Recently, I met a web marketing team from one of the big web companies in my country. When we talk about doing marketing by using eNewsletter or Opt in, they told me that this method is not working anymore because of SPAM.

    Now, if you send more than 20 emails in one shot, you are considered spamming. Spam Corp, your country ISP, receivers’ server will block your IP, is that true??

    scotty Friend

    I doubt it. I still get plenty of newsletters.

    The better newsletters are sent directly to the receiver and not with a thousand BCC’s and these usually make it through. Many anti-spam will cut out emails that are not addressed directly to the receiver.

    It all depends on the email service the client is using and their host though.

    I doubt anyone would implement the measures your talking about as there are many valuable and important newsletters that are sent with 000’s at a time never mind 20.

    scotty Friend

    You also may want to check with your own host regarding ‘mass mail’. They may have anti-spam automatic measures to block you from sending too many at once. But this would be down to individual hosts.

    When you say ‘will be blocked’ above… who do you mean by? Who will be doing the blocking?

    sfpkent Friend


    Spam Corp will do the blocking coz they control all bandwidth in this world. When you sent out mass email, spam corp actually will notice it.

    scotty Friend

    huh? Spam Corp control all bandwidth? This is news to me.

    Who are they? Where are they? Do they have a website?

    Nothing about them on Google and no mention in Wikipedia.

    Or is ‘spam corp’ better known as something else?

    sfpkent Friend


    Typing error, should be spamcop –

    ShannonN Friend


    Typing error, should be spamcop –

    most ppl I know use Aweber to send all sorts of optin stuff I still get them Ok a Lot of isps may block some stuff based on blacklists but if you have a legitimate thing fromsomeone they ‘ll allow the email addy also spamcop ruling the waves? nah, open any free email account gmail hotmail etc look at the junk that goes there and their own filters still let it all in

    Cheers ShannonN

    sfpkent Friend


    Yup, I argue with the team before, they told me this is because some of marketers actually using special software which the software will not send out a lot of emails in one shot, the software sent out email one by one.

    Anyway, thanks for your opinions. 🙂

    scotty Friend


    Typing error, should be spamcop –

    Ahhh. Yea SpamCop don’t and can’t block anything. It is simply a report service where you report a mail as spam and they report it to the source ISP in the hope that if they get enough of them they will do something about it. This is similar to Gmails ‘Report as Spam’ user based anti-spam service.

    So if your newsletters are constucted well and in such a way they will not be reported as spam then you will have nothing to worry about.

    If they are reported as spam and your ISP gets enough reports about it then they may or may not do something about it. SpamCop themselves have no control over bandwidth and certainly can’t block anything sent to your email.

    sfpkent Friend


    Thanks scotty, now I understand that.

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